Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

1,712 ratings
Morph Goat
File Size
17.848 KB
13 Oct, 2014 @ 1:00pm
7 Jun, 2016 @ 2:11am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Morph Goat

In 1 collection by Geneosis
Geneosis' Goats
73 items
They told me I could be anything... So I became everything!

The art of disguise is not easy to master, but some goats like you are exceptional and can take the form of any object or creature they find!

Any question or problem to use this mod? Click here to read the FAQ.

- Morph Goat: You can take the form of the object or creature you are licking.
- Morph Hunt: Hide your position in multiplayer game.

- [Y] or [U]: Morph into the object/creature you are currently licking.
- [Y] or [U]: Unmorph (Revert to your original form).
- [F] + [RightClick]: Rotate morphed object/creature.

- [LeftStickClick]: Morph into the object/creature you are currently licking.
- [LeftStickClick]: Unmorph (Revert to your original form).
- [Select] + [LT]: Rotate morphed object/creature.

- You can't morph into moving objects.
- When morphed, you can still attack.
- If you go ragdoll when morphed you will be unmorphed.
- If the object you morphed into is broken (like a vase), you will be unmorphed.
- When morphed into a creature, the creature will be petrified.
- The Morph Hunt mutator will turn your part of the screen black if you stop moving for more than 5s.

- When morphed into an exploding item, use the attack button to make it explode.
- If you morph into an object when sprinting, the object movement will be faster and glide a bit.
- Use this mod in multiplayer to get the hardcore version of the hide and seek game.
- If you use the Italian Dinosaur power on the object you morphed into, you will become invisible.

- The objects you morphed into can pass through other things without colliding: this is normal.
- Air strafe is not working properly when morphed (can't fix).
- If you lick an object when morphed, the object is not attached to your tongue and when you unmorph your tongue lick an invisible point in the air. Lick any object to fix it.
- Using other mods abilities when you are morphed may end up in some broken state for the other mod, so try to avoid that.

Originally posted by Update 1 (19/10/2014):
- Fixed gamepad control.
- Added smoke effect for morph/unmorph.
Originally posted by Update 2 (23/11/2014):
- Fixed 1.2 compatibility problems.
- Added possibility to morph into living creatures.
Originally posted by Update 3 (18/01/2015):
- Added Morph Hunt mutator for multiplayer.
Originally posted by Update 4 (09/05/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with GoatZ.
Originally posted by Update 5 (17/06/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with v1.3.3.
Originally posted by Update 6 (14/11/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with GoatBread.
Originally posted by Update 7 (30/01/2016):
- Fixed compatibility with Payday.
- Fixed NPC being broken after morphing into them.
- Added rotation key.
Originally posted by Update 8 (07/06/2016):
- Fixed compatibility with Waste of Space.
- Added "U" key to morph/unmorph.
Originally posted by About this mod:
Since I published the Ghost Goat mod, a lot of people suggested to make it possible to control random objects too. As I explained to them it was not possible using the method I use for the Ghost Goat, anyway I kept this idea in mind and ended up with another solution that will work only for objects (and not for living creatures) and here it is ^^
So this mod don't really change the form of your goat, it simply attach the object you are licking to your body and makes your body invisible. I just had to add some location and rotation corrections to make the controlled object oriented correctly :)

Video featuring this mod by DTH Joe.
Geneosis  [author] 18 Feb @ 9:02am 
@eleonardo1213: You subscribe to the mod, select it in your mutator list, then press one of the key listed in the "CONTROLS" part of the description :)
eleonardo1213 17 Feb @ 3:22pm 
idk how to use it
Lmonk333 14 Dec, 2024 @ 3:06pm 
Абабуа 12 Oct, 2024 @ 5:43am 
Geneosis  [author] 31 Aug, 2024 @ 11:24am 
@gigabait225: What do you mean key bindings of mods? The main game has key bidings, but mods doesn't. If you change some of the game bindings some mods might be affected too (eg: mods using the special key R to trigger might work with a different key if you rebind your special key).
gigabait225 30 Aug, 2024 @ 1:19pm 
How do i fix keybinds of mods not working? :ppg_wrench:
Pilgorgamer 21 Aug, 2024 @ 11:36am 
TokeBitten 27 May, 2024 @ 12:20pm 
FrenzyKill 4 Apr, 2024 @ 4:55am 
My bad, i play on the lowest settings without bloom, that might be it. Thanks
Geneosis  [author] 3 Apr, 2024 @ 9:25am 
@FrenzyKill: Hmmm I tested it in the same situation myself and that worked... Did you maybe change some graphical settings for the game? I remember that some graphic settings made the bloom postprocess effect dissapear, maybe you changed one that makes the "back screen" effect dissapear? Also you should stay still for 5 seconds as the description states so it should be pretty obvious when it works :)