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Bird Sounds - Spectacular Sound Effects
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18 Jun, 2024 @ 1:04pm
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Bird Sounds - Spectacular Sound Effects

Variety of bird calls


1. Summer Tanager
2. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
3. Orchard Oriole
4. Northern Oriole
5. Redwinged Blackbird
6. Bobolink
7. Red-Eyed Vireo
8. Yellow-Throated Vireo
9. Solitary Vireo
10. Song Thrush
11. Missel Thrush
12. CHORUS--Wood Pigeon, Missel Thrush, Wren, Hedge Sparrow
13. Starling
14. Starling With Young
15. Chaffinch
16. Blackbird
17. CHORUS--Rooks, Blackbird, Thrush
18. Green Finch / Green Finch - Alarm Calls
19. Long-Tailed Tit
20. Kestrel Feeding Young
21. Great Spotted Woodpecker
22. Sharp-Tailed Grouse
23. Plain Chachalaca
24. Gambel's Quail
25. California's Quail
26. White-Winged Dove
27. American Woodcock
28. Canada Goose
29. Mallard
30. CHORUS--Song Thrush, Rooks Wren
31. CHORUS--Blackbird, Chaffinch, Cuckoo, Pheasant, Turtle Dove
32. Linnet
33. Young Blackcap
34. Pheasant
35. Blackbirds, Redwings
36. Tawny Owls
37. Jackdaw - Flock
38. Jackdaw - Young
39. Long-Eared Owl With Young
40. Black-And-White Warbler
41. Tennessee Warbler
42. Yellow Warbler
43. American Redstart
44. Chestnut-Sided Warbler
45. Hooded Warbler
46. Canada Warbler
47. Magnolia Warbler
48. Hermit Thrush
49. Whip-Poor-Will
50. Scarlet Tanager
51. Fox Sparrow
52. Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
53. American Robin
54. Gray Catbird
55. Northern Flicker
56. Eastern Wood Pewee
57. Warbling Vireo
58. Northern Mockingbird
59. Brown Thrasher
60. Northern Cardinal
61. Indigo Bunting
62. Bachman's Sparrow
63. Pine Warbler
64. Yellow-Breasted Chat
65. Eastern Meadowlark
66. Field Sparrow
67. Horned Lark
Aviarius 18 Jun, 2024 @ 1:10pm 
8 / 10. There's no Toucan Sound.