Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

40 ratings
Technology Expanded (V68)
Agriculture: Farms, Husbandry
Civics: Food
Infastructure: Knowledge
Industries: Crafting
Technology: Animal Science, Mining
Tweaks and Balance: QoL, Race
File Size
391.271 KB
28 Jun, 2024 @ 2:08pm
28 Feb @ 6:22am
12 Change Notes ( view )

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Technology Expanded (V68)

In 1 collection by Aly
Aly's Songs of Syx Modlist
6 items

Technology Expanded aims to support the choices you make when growing your city, adding technologies and features related to each base game race. In total, there are 92 new technologies, each with a specific population requirement to unlock.

Choose well which races you bring in as citizens and which as slaves (and how many of each); they will determine which new bonuses and features you'll be able to unlock. You can either focus on something specific to your interest or challenge yourself and create a functional multicultural city.

Races Technology Trees


The Cretonians bring their natural ability to farm, be it food or spices.


Naturally born crafters, the Dondorians are able to boost mining, refining, and crafting.


The Amevia bring boosts to what they are naturally good at, those being fishing and Globidien Husbandry. Thanks to their burly bodies, they may also help out by boosting carry capacity.

Their special attribute is the ability to hunt Globidien instead of the average wildlife, raising egg production substantially in the early game.


Astute intellectuals and competent administrators, Humans bring more boosts to technology and management.


Competent hunters and woodcutters, the Tilapi help boost all facilities related to nature as well as hunting.

Despite their best efforts, they could not avoid the rise of more efficient methods. Once established, they'll bring in the Slaughterhouse.


The fierce Garthimi bring in exactly what they are good at: mining and a ton of battle aptitude. This tree is a simplified version of the technology tree available in my other mod, Garthimi Expanded. If you like playing Garthimi, I recommend combining Garthimi Expanded with Technology Expanded. Compatibility notes are at the end of the page.

Cantor & Argonosh

The most powerful races in the game. They come in small amounts, and the technologies reflect that. They bring boosts to what they are already good at.

The Slavery Tree

If having multiple citizen races in your city is not much your style, the Slavery Tree brings in a great number of options to further improve your production

Be it fishing, husbandry, mining, crafting, or anything else, you can always force some knowledge out of your lesser ones. There is a limit to how many new technologies you can learn from slaves, though, so choose which races you bring in and which you enslave wisely. The best technologies are reserved for the citizens, who have the time to study and self-improve.

That was quite a lot. You'll find details about boost values and requirements in-game.

Please, if you have any feedback or find any bugs or issues, contact me here or in the official Songs of Syx Discord.

For compatibility, if you use Warmasters, Garthimi Expanded, or any of my race mods (Vargen, Draken), this is the recommended load order for a clean game:

0 - Garthimi Expanded
1 - Technology Expanded
2 - Warmasters
3 - Race mods (Vargen, Draken, etc.)
4 - Any other mod

Is this mod compatible with any other mod? I have no idea.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this one!

Lord_Orange 15 Mar @ 6:41pm 
@Lannater did it start working for you when you changed your mod order or something? Im not even playing with bigger city size and I got a very similar sounding error.

" REQUIRES_MIN in object at line: 162. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\\V68\assets\init\tech\ALY_CRETONIAN.txt
Lannater 7 Mar @ 8:45am 
Disregard that, I think its a mod conflict with Bigger city size.
Lannater 7 Mar @ 6:55am 
Not sure why this mod is stopping me from saving the game. Checked the logs and it has to do something with the cretonian files that are part of the mod. Not the greatest at reading logs so I dont have much more info. Anyone have any info??
Aly  [author] 5 Mar @ 3:33am 
@Boy I'm out of comission for the next 2 weeks, but I'll think about it.
Boy 4 Mar @ 8:55pm 
For the love of GOD make Slaughterhouses universal, and give Tilapi's like a huge buff to hunters or something because that building is ridiculous, especially needing 200 of them, like, Hunters are GARBAGE and Auroch Farms are SUFFERING. I like playing only Amevians and Leather is like this esoteric unobtainable thing
CEO of wewatch 28 Feb @ 7:56am 
Aly  [author] 28 Feb @ 6:23am 
I did the thing.
SSstar 24 Feb @ 12:20am 
Respect. Love the mod.
Aly  [author] 22 Feb @ 4:35am 
Sorry about the gigantic amount of time this is taking. It is not this hard, I'm just taking my sweet time to sit down and do it. I've converted a few trees and should post the new version before the turn of the month.
CEO of wewatch 15 Feb @ 12:22am 
I look forward to the update