44 ratings
[Fortnite] Dynamic Hush Outfit
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10.727 MB
1 Aug @ 12:00pm
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[Fortnite] Dynamic Hush Outfit

In 1 collection by Asthye
Asthye's Fortnite Cosmetic Mods
111 items

If you want to get the NSFW version:

Dynamic Hush NSFW [www.patreon.com]


-Face Prop


-Female Only

Do you accept comissions?
-Check the end of description for more information

If you find something off please let me know in the comments!


You can Add me over on discord for more information: Asthye

You can look up any fortnite skins in here if you are interested
Fortnite gg [fortnite.gg] or 4nite [4nite.site]

-You Can check the posts on my Ko-fi [ko-fi.com] page to know when I will be opening to comissions again!
-If you want a fortnite skins or anyother just go to the Comissions tab (won`t show if the comissions are closed) under my profile picture on Ko-fi [ko-fi.com]!

I do not own any of the assets, all credits belong to their original creators
Damwrongname 10 Aug @ 2:01pm 
@Son: I'm by all means no expert at copyright laws and whatnot but i think there is a difference between IP ( intellectual property ) and a recreation like what is being done here.

As long as there is enough changed and its not an exact 1 to 1 recreation just being ripped off a la Chinese bootleg it should be Ok'ish.

That being said some companies are a lot more trigger happy then others like I dunno about Asthye but there is no way on god green earth I would try to do anything with Nintendo products.

Basically my train of tough is if its something like Fortenite that is an open source I think its OK otherwise why make it open source to begin with anything else I would say user beware as not all companies are tolerant for that.

Now I want to repeat one last time I am no expert so I could be way off here this is just me using common sense as I made next to no research here.
Soul 10 Aug @ 9:36am 
On this point I can kinda see both side.
While you did change it up,it IS from something made by a company.

Its not bad in anyway (as in something you could be in trouble for,at least as far as I understand how assets modification go) I do get that some would think it ain't that ethical to ask a price for it,cause even if you remade it,its still a fortnite thing with less clothes.

Kinda like trying to sell a spiderman model,you might've remade it,but its still marvel property.

Tho again here you shouldn't be in trouble or anything.
Asthye  [author] 10 Aug @ 9:20am 
But I did create the NSFW assets, I had to customize this Fortnite model from scratch, but I get what you're talking about, Indeed maybe not the most ethical thing to do....
Son Nanomachines 9 Aug @ 9:50pm 
my 2c: commissioning for ports and patreon 'early access'/'WIP preview' models are one thing - compensation for the *work*, that makes sense - but selling assets that aren't yours *as a product* is a bad look and a good way to get yourself in more trouble than you probably want to be in.
Asthye  [author] 8 Aug @ 6:10am 
Thanks everybody for their feedback, I really appreciate!
Damwrongname 7 Aug @ 6:09pm 
@Soul I was just talking in general and was not trying to take a shot at you if my comment made you feel that way you have my apology.

My message was just a generalization of all prior messages granted you posted like half of them but in both our defense I assume you meant it as feed back rather then being a cocky Karen.

TBH of all the things you pointed a combo pack is not a bad idea but that is something i would wager is further down the line but that is not for me to decide.

Anyways do not stop providing feed back as without it progress is slowed down and no body likes that.
Soul 7 Aug @ 3:33pm 
Y'all talkin like I was saying he was dumb for these prices and blaming him
Again,he do what he want and I ain't saying "oh its bad,you dummy who would buy this!" like goddamn lmao,ofc its not for anyone than him to say,duh,its an opinion.

If he do well with these prices more power to him and I'm happy for him. I ain't "stopping him" by just giving my opinion on the price,he can do whatever he want with that info I'm not gonna ask him every week if he changed his price...
If he does something I find interesting I'll check it and if it does indeed feel pricey,I'll move on,I'm not gonna dm him "hey lower it maybe??" like I'm doing an auction.

Anyway,as usual your mods are great and I love using them,keep doing you!
Asthye  [author] 7 Aug @ 9:13am 
@Damwrongname Thank you so much for your support! Indeed im trying things out! probably will lower the price from 20 to 15 as there will be more then one person buying (that's the objective at least) as 20 is for someone who would comission this.
Damwrongname 6 Aug @ 5:53pm 
I did not want to say anything about his NSFW prices but i guess I am now.

If someone doesn't feel a product is worth what its being sold for then that person should move on.

People will always complain regardless what Asthye's does is sadly the nature of the beast ultimately these mods are is work he should do what he feels is right.

People giving suggestions is nice and all but really he should ask himself " How much is my time. skill and effort worth ? " and go from there.

Now if he notices his product ain't selling then sure maybe an adjustment would be in order but that is not for anyone to say to him.

Bottom line what I'm trying to say is the man is new at this let him do what he feel is right and he'll figure it out.
jat11241976 6 Aug @ 11:04am 
I have commissioned mods before and I will again. I think what asythe charges is more than fair, even if the recent NSFW versions aren't my cup of tea. If he makes a version that looks good to me, I'll check it out.