318 ratings
Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment, Mechanics
File Size
2.545 MB
15 Sep, 2024 @ 8:09pm
14 Jan @ 6:54am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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This is a free to USE mod.

This mod adds a feature to quickly move all items of a selected category from the player to an entity or from an entity to a player by clicking an icon button. There are 10 buttons, TAKE, STORE, DROP, SORT, HANDS, CATEGORY, HIGHLIGHT, ADD, REMOVE and RESET. Items attached to the player like clothes and such are ignored and not transfered, only the items in the cargo slots. Items that can combine will automatically combine when transfering or sorting. A config file is generated inside of the server's profile folder to allow customization of the default settings for what items are counted in each category as well as if being in an active territory is required or item category is limited to hand item only. As of now there are 12 preset categories plus 4 custom, a hand item option and an ALL option. Not currently able to add/remove the actual categories only the items that are included in each of the categories. These categories can be editing live on a server and saves each individual players preferances to the server. Most vanilla items have been added to the defaults and any items that inherit them will automatically work. This mod now has it's own sorting feature, however you can disable it and use another sorting mod if desired. This mod should work with the majority of other mods unless they overlap with the icons/buttons.

Updated 19 Oct 2024
If you are using this mod and the RA Base Building mod with QMIBC_RA_Base_Building_Patch installed, remove the addon patch as it is no longer necessary since it has been added into this mod now. The addon patch will be removed from the workshop.

Added new sorting option. If you choose to use another sorting mod, disable the sort option in this mod's config.

Check change notes for details.

Button Explanations

TAKE = Takes items from selected cargo and places them where ever there is room in the player's inventory.

STORE = Places items from the player's inventory into selected cargo.

DROP = Drops all items from the selected cargo onto the floor at the cargo's location.

SORT = Sorts inventory in selected cargo, will only organize items alphabetically not by size. ( By Items Classname Not Display Name)
If items end up not fitting after sorting, it will attempt to place them anywhere else available before droping them if no room remains.

HANDS = Sets the category to the item currently in player's hands.

CATEGORY = Changes selected category for items being transfered.

HIGHLIGHT = Highlights all items related to currently selected category.

ADD = Adds item currently in player's hands to the current selected category. (Custom categories name will be the 1st item added to it)

REMOVE = Removes item currently in player's hands from the current selected category. (Also adds item to an exclusion list for that category)

RESET = Resets current category back to default settings.

Config Options

Keybinding for switching item category, Hold Ctrl and then press (Z) for next or (X) for previous.

Check your server's profile folder for the "_QuickMoveItemsByCategory" folder where you'll find the config.

"EnabledTerritoryOnly": 0, ( 0 = false, 1 = true )

Set to true or false. When enabled, hides buttons for quick move whenever not inside of an active territory.

"EnabledHandItemOnly": 0, ( 0 = false, 1 = true )

Set to true or false. When enabled, hides buttons to change category and sets category to hand item only.

"DisableSortItemsAlphabetically": 0, ( 0 = false, 1 = true )

Set to true or false. When enabled, hides button to sort items alphabetically. Enable this if using another item sorting mod. Warning, when sorting if no room is available in selected cargo items will be placed in any available space to include attachment slots and hands. If no space is available items will drop on the floor at the player's feet and will receive a notification.

You can also add or remove items in each category for the server's default settings. (Most vanilla items are added already so this might only be neccessary for modded items)
If you use the Base Class for items then all items that inherit that base class will be counted in that category. The "All" category is not customizable since it already counts every item regardless of current category settings.

Repacking and Monetization
For now do not Repack or Reupload, please use a collection. Requests will be ignored. I might eventually allow repacking after any bugs found are fixed and since I plan to update some features along the way It'd be best to not repack yet. Absolutely no republishing.
Monetization is allowed as long as you follow Bohemia Monetization Rules Monetization[]

Please like and favorite if you enjoy this mod.

Discord Link[]

move, transfer, inventory, cargo, items, quick, auto, QOL, category, type, sort, buttons, GUI
Popular Discussions View All (1)
1 Dec, 2024 @ 5:17am
Bug report
jayfusion  [author] 9 Mar @ 7:50am 
@DaniBot, I do plan to make further improvements and offer more options to enable/disable certain features at a later date. Right now my focus is on my other mod atm.

@Menace I will post it in the mod description after I make this mod open source and allow repacks.
DaniBot 8 Mar @ 10:02pm 
Very great idea and much needed but it seems a bit too complicated - maybe make an alternative simplified version as well. Dumb it down to get more servers to use it.
Menace 8 Mar @ 4:05pm 
Any updates on when repacking will be allowed??
KraxaH 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:34am 
IceReaper 24 Dec, 2024 @ 10:46am 
_keson- 22 Dec, 2024 @ 12:25pm 
jayfusion  [author] 21 Dec, 2024 @ 1:41am 
@MaDestro yes I aware. Someone recently sent me an updated translation and I will update this mod with the updated translation. I originally used translation software which apparently is not good...
MaDestro 20 Dec, 2024 @ 10:50pm 
The translation into Russian is simply disgusting
jayfusion  [author] 20 Dec, 2024 @ 10:47am 
@Scarinth Yes, the this mod should have generated a folder called "_QuickMoveItemsByCategory" inside your server's "profiles" folder when you launch the server after installing the mod. If it did not generate that folder and config then you did not install the mod correctly. Verify it is installed correctly and check to make sure you put the key in you keys folder.
Scarinth 20 Dec, 2024 @ 10:43am 
@Jayfusion do you mean the config folder? if so i dont see anything about quickmove items in there.