Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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16 Sep, 2024 @ 3:53pm
22 Jan @ 3:16pm
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Introducing TR_PyroAirblast_RC1

This is the second version of my airblast training map. This map supports airblast training on 12 projectiles, horizontal and vertical movement options, different shooting angles, and an art pass including a 3D skybox and soundscapes!

Opening the Map

Once subscribed to the map, in order to open the map type
map workshop/3332490391
into the developer console make sure console in enabled in options > keyboard > advanced > Enable Developer Console
Alternatively, you can open the files and move the map .bsp file from
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\440\3332490391 to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps
Then you can just type
map tr_pyroairblast_rc1
into the console

Operating the Map

Some things have changed in this version of the map from my previous, first off, toggling the projectiles is now bound to your use action item key, this is the key used to use Power Up Canteens/Spell Books/Grappling Hooks, and it bound to h by default.


In this version of the map I removed most of the text labels for buttons and replaced them with visuals to convey their meaning, some of these may be confusing at first so here is a key to understand every button.

In the building to the left are all the settings for the target (the thing that shoots the projectiles)

Upon entering the building, the wall to your left will have the movement controls.
From left to right the buttons are:
- Stationary
- Back/Forth Movement
- Random Movement

The wall directly opposite to the door has the projectile controls.
From left to right the buttons are:
- Rocket Launcher
- Liberty Launcher
- Direct Hit
- Grenade Launcher
- Loch-n-Load
- Flying Guillotine
- Sandman
- Flare Gun
- Dragon's Fury
- Crusader's Crossbow
- Huntsman
- Jarate

Upon entering the building, the wall to your right will have the direction controls.
From left to right the buttons are:
- Horizontal Movement (along the track)
- Vertical Movement (along the suspended arc)

In the building to the right are all the settings for aiming

Both walls have the same options, from left to right being:
- Aim forward
- Aim towards the center
- Aim towards the player

The wall parallel with the track contains the yaw controls (the target's aim in the left/right direction)
The wall parallel with the target settings door contains the pitch controls (the target's aim in the up/down direction)

In case that was confusing, here is a video walk-through:
JAS-C 24 Jan @ 9:11pm 
We need training update I swear!
Net 22 Jan @ 7:52am 
Ahhhhhhh, its here!! Cant wait to try it out!
Thank you soo much SteelMill :lev:
ZasraniecWitek69 5 Jan @ 8:26pm 
Very good map for practising, I hope you will make more maps like this in the future:steamthumbsup: