Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Persona Survivor recreations
my attempt at recreating the survivor look with Persona characters
Items (8)
Persona 5 Futaba as Rochelle
Created by Aserithil
replaces rochelle with futaba from persona 5, she has eye tracking, expressions, jigglebones for her hair and hud icons...
Persona 5 Joker as Nick
Created by Aserithil
replaces nick with the persona 5 protagonist, the jacket has jigglebones he's got all the hud icons,a viewmodel, working eyes and expressions...
Persona 5 Morgana as Coach
Created by Aserithil
Replaces Coach with Human Morgana from Persona 5 Royal, he's got hud icons,a viewmodel, working eyes and expressions ...
Persona 5 Ryuji as Ellis
Created by Aserithil
seen a bunch of persona model ports, but not really any that try to recreate the look of the survivors, so I made this...
Persona 3 Makoto as Bill
Created by Aserithil
Replaces Bill with the protagonist from Persona 3, he's got hud icons,a viewmodel, working eyes, expressions and a passing corpse model ...
Persona 3 Fuuka as Zoey
Created by Aserithil
replaces zoey includes: light model viewmodel eyetracking hud icons hair jigglebones ...
Persona 3 Junpei as Francis
Created by Aserithil
replaces francis includes: light model viewmodel eyetracking hud icons jacket and hair jigglebones ...
Persona 3 Ken as Louis
Created by Aserithil
replaces louis includes: viewmodel eyetracking hud icons tie and hair jigglebones ...