Cossacks 3

Cossacks 3

27 ratings
Achievements fix
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1.302 MB
25 Oct, 2024 @ 5:17am
29 Jan @ 3:30pm
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Achievements fix

==== EN ====
With this mod you can finally complete achievements "The Thunderer", "To the bowels of Earth", "Sea sickness", "Turn the cannons!", "First blood", "Duelist", "Old warrior makes a wise warrior", "On your shield".

==== RU ====
С этим модом вы наконец-то сможете выполнить достижения «Громовержец», «К недрам земли», «Морская болезнь», «Разворачивай орудия!», «Первая кровь», «Дуэлянт», «Старый воин - мудрый воин», «Ну, погоди!».

==== UA ====
З цим модом ви нарешті зможете виконати досягнення «Лента за лентою», «До надр землі», «Морська хвороба», «Розвертай гармати!», «Перша кров», «Дуелянт», «Старий воїн - мудрий воїн», «На щиті».
LGeneral00 29 Jan @ 3:44pm 
Wow, that is insane find. I would have never thought about that option, because achievement states "vs players". Thank you so much for telling me this.
aljesco  [author] 29 Jan @ 3:22pm 
Okay, I fixed this one too. The problem was that multiplayer achievements worked only if there was at least one human player and an AI (on another team). I never paid attention to this since I usually play with my friend against the AI.
LGeneral00 29 Jan @ 10:33am 
Don't know If I will be able today, but tomorrow for sure!
aljesco  [author] 29 Jan @ 7:40am 
can you try to play with a person (doesn't matter if in the same team) vs some AI in multiplayer and see if counter is increased? I can see that in the scripts but can't verify atm
LGeneral00 29 Jan @ 2:34am 
With your new mod, 10 losses are available even vs AI without going to the multiplayer. As for multiplayer wins, they weren't working with or without mod.
aljesco  [author] 28 Jan @ 4:33pm 
LGeneral00, did you try to play with your friend against AI to proceed "Old warrior makes a wise warrior"? Did it work?
LGeneral00 26 Jan @ 5:00pm 
Do you need this mod for the games to actually count in profile.dat for achievements? If I understood correctly your guide, it says that you need it. :/
Other than that, how is other mod you are working on going? Can't wait to try it.
aljesco  [author] 26 Jan @ 4:54pm 
It doesn't depend on game settings
LGeneral00 26 Jan @ 4:53pm 
How did you play it? What settings you used?