Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

2,726 ratings
Condensed Animated HUD [FIXED CAPTIONS]
type: assets
contains: materials, ui
File Size
6.626 MB
15 Nov, 2024 @ 6:45pm
15 Nov, 2024 @ 9:56pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Condensed Animated HUD [FIXED CAPTIONS]

In 1 collection by Kaio6000
3 items
A more compact vanilla HUD with a few extra features, such as HUD elements flashing colors when activated and special damage icons like Half-Life 1.

Condensed Animated HUD

Smaller overall HUD size

Weapon select no longer contains text names

The Poison Indicator has been replaced by a Special Damage Indicator. A message relevant to the special damage type recieved (burn, poison, drowning, radiation) will display a relevant HL1-inspired icon and message on the HUD.

New font (Alte DIN 1451 Mittelschrift)

HUD elemets become highlighted based on user action

Health Counter flashes green/yellow when gaining health, and flashes red when damage is taken or health is low (see Bugs section below) [OPTIONAL]

Suit Counter flashes blue/yellow when gaining suit charge, and flashes red when damage is taken or charge is low [OPTIONAL]

Auxiliary Power flashes yellow when being used

Ammo Counter flashes yellow when weapon reloaded/switched, or when ammo is aquired

Weapon Selection menu flashes yellow when opened

Squad Status flashes yellow when members join, and red when members leave/die

Hud Panels now animate together based on context

When the Suit Counter reaches zero, it will shrink and the Health Counter will extend to take its place, along with showing an "ARMOR COMPROMISED" message that slowly flashes amber until more power is acquired

If the selected weapon uses secondary ammo (SMG, AR2) the Ammo Counter extends accordingly

The Key Hint panel will slide out from the side of the screen when showing a hint

The Special Damage Indicator moves up or down depending on whether Auxiliary Power is being used

The Weapon Selection panel will subtly slide down from the top of the screen when summoned

If squadmates are sent to a location, the "SQUAD FOLLOWING" message on the HUD and Squad Status panel will shrink to hide the message


Sometimes when taking damage, the Health Counter will flash green instead of red. I have no idea why, and as far as I'm aware this can only be fixed by using the "No HealthSuit Flash" version. Note: As of Version 0.6, this bug happens extremely rarely.

The Commentary panel is effectively eliminated with this HUD. The audio itself is fine, but the HUD element with the bar and icon are gone.

The Hints panel will sometimes be higher up than intended.

The main menu title for Synergy or Lost Coast will appear broken. To fix, navigate to the "Condensed Animated HUD" folder and open the file "resource\clientscheme.res" with a text editor (I use Notepad++). Find the "ClientTitleFont" line and follow the instructions written there.

This mod will not work with any other HUD mod, or any mod that changes the following files:
Some issues that have happened because of other mods changing these files include messed up crosshairs and HUD fonts ("HEALTH" instead displays as a "+" for example). Make sure that no other mods being used are changing these files, or else the HUD will not work properly.

Installation Instructions: *If subscribing doens't work*
To install for regular Half-Life 2/Episode 1/Episode 2 or MMod, choose a version and place the "Condensed Animated HUD" folder into the "custom" folder of the desired game.

To install for Synergy, navigate to your Half-Life 2 installation directory. Once there, place the included "valve_english.txt" into "Half-Life 2\hl2\resource" and replace the old "valve_english.txt" file. Then, place the "Condensed Animated HUD" folder into Synergy's "custom" folder.

If using the "Useable and fixed Annabelle, Alyxgun and gluon on maps" mod, install everything from that mod except the "custom" folder, then put this mod into the desired games "custom" folder.

Shared under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Creator: SPARTAN-277
Original Work: [gamebanana.com]
(No changes have been made to the work)
Popular Discussions View All (4)
23 Jan @ 7:14am
1 Feb @ 8:08am
wish I could change the HUD's color
5 Dec, 2024 @ 9:33pm
Font and scaling issues
AgentKenny 27 Feb @ 1:01am 
I can no longer launch any of the episode 1 chapters with this mod.
MaicOOOOOOOOOONN!!PY 28 Jan @ 2:00pm 
this is insanely glazed fr but i know someone will attack me for saying this
Vergames 17 Jan @ 7:47pm 
Everything seems to work but the "Armor compromised text does not appear on 0 Suit"
Kaio6000  [author] 13 Jan @ 4:40pm 
missing captions comes from the mod limit (40) being reached which for some reason breaks captions
gfellmer 13 Jan @ 1:52pm 
Installed perfectly after subscribing and restarting. The new HUD is killer. Thank you.
Radon 10 Jan @ 7:59am 
nevermind, it was other mod
Radon 10 Jan @ 7:25am 
the captions don't work atleast for me
Marfig 31 Dec, 2024 @ 3:58am 
Doesn't seem to work anymore for the anniversary edition
joao1232 30 Dec, 2024 @ 11:02am 
can you do a hud mod that adds a visor from hev helmet?
xiaxiaoji 17 Dec, 2024 @ 4:05am 

要安装Synergy,请导航到半条命2的安装目录。之后,将包含的“valve_english.txt”放入“半条命2\hl2\resource”中,并替换旧的“valve_english.txt”文件。然后,将“Condensed Animated HUD”文件夹放入Synergy的“custom”文件夹中。

如果使用“可用和固定的Annabelle, Alyxgun和胶粘在地图上”的mod,安装一切从该mod除了“自定义”文件夹,然后把这个mod到所需的游戏“自定义”文件夹。

创造者:斯巴达- 277
原创作品:[ gamebanana.com ]