Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

31 ratings
Simcity 2000: Darco Arcology
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16 Nov, 2024 @ 7:22am
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Simcity 2000: Darco Arcology

In 1 collection by IthildinX
IthildinX's Simcity
4 items
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Darco Arcology
All cities with a Forest Arcology provide +2 Gold for each Citizen, and +50% Production towards wonders, buildings and districts. In addition, this city receives yields from all nearby buildings with regional bonuses, not just the first.

"'Darco' is slang for "De-Urbanized Arcological Construct". Originally designed by the twisted genius of Dante McCallavre, the artist/architect proclaimed it a reactionary response to the rigid, archetypal Arcologies of his day. No one really knows what this means, and many engineers are frankly baffled at how the thing stays standing. Inside, the ill-lit corridor's twist into odd, meandering corkscrews that mysteriously turn back on themselves. There are rumors that a strange sub-species of man inhabits the air ducts."

Supported Languages Chinese English Japanese

Quad Rioters 4 Feb @ 3:59am 
This is a stolen 3D asset model from Cities Skylines asset workshop. Please give a proper credit, link and declaring that the model is not your work.
玄心镜 22 Nov, 2024 @ 7:48pm 