Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Imperial Circles Expanded
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Imperial Circles Expanded

In 1 collection by Nolexios
Nolexios' Orthodox Experience
12 items
Have you ever Revoked the Privilegia and then had to abandon your save because it was too laggy? Or just wished for some middle ground between a centralized and decentralized HRE, with nice, aesthetic (and historical) borders? Then this mod is for you!

Introducing: Imperial Circles
Imperial Circles are a new subject type introduced by this mod, which are only available to the Emperor of the HRE and can be formed from Vassal or Personal Union subjects which are members of the HRE, or through a special new decision: Consolidate an Imperial Circle

At the cost of 25 Imperial Authority, this decision allows the Emperor to select from up to 12 different unique, one-time use casus-belli. When used, these casus-belli will call in all countries in a specific region of the Empire against the Emperor, and grant them a military buff. If you manage to defeat this quasi-coalition, you will be rewarded with an Imperial Circle subject encompassing the entire area you fought over, as well as an evolving Imperial Authority modifier that grows with each Imperial Circle you form through these wars. Additionally, if there are any vacant Elector positions after winning the war, your new Imperial Circle will fill them.

The Imperial Circles available through CB include the following, with optional name changes in parentheses:
  • Bavaria
  • Franconia
  • Swabia
  • The Palatinate (Rhineland)
  • Westphalia
  • Saxony (Upper Saxony)
  • Hanover (Lower Saxony)
  • Burgundy (Upper Burgundy)
  • Prussia
  • Savoy (Arles/Arelat/Lower Burgundy)
  • Milan (Lombardy; can also later form Italy/Imperial Italy via event)
  • Austria (Carinthia)

Note: Savoy and Milan are ONLY available if Italy is entirely reined in during the Shadow Kingdom incident, and the Austrian Circle will recieve less land if Italy is not reined in.

Additionally, the Netherlands and Pomerania can later be released as Imperial Circles via event, and Verona can be released from Austria as an Imperial March.

Bohemia and Switzerland are not included since they were historically unencircled, but they can be converted to Imperial Circles manually.

Imperial Circle Subject Features
  • No Diplo Relation Slot
  • Seperate Liberty Desire
  • Pays taxes to overlord
  • No Subject Penalty (dev cost/force limit)
  • Legitimate Elector (no malus to IA or reasons to elect)
  • Must use favors to call into wars, similar to Eyalets
  • CANNOT be integrated or annexed, only released
  • Gains 100% Liberty Desire if overlord loses the Emperorship

These subjects are balanced around being an alternative to Revoking the Privilegia. They are more independent than revoked HRE vassals, but you can start forming them early in your game.

Additional Feature
If there are less than the max number of Free Cities in the Empire, you will gain a decision allowing you to release random cities from the land of your Imperial Circle subjects, and their color will match that of the Imperial Circle they were released from (there is another decision to return them to their original color if you prefer)

This mod should generally be compatible with any other mod that does not edit the "declarewar" diplomatic action.
For compatibility with Europa Expanded, install the patch here: Imperial Circles Expanded - Europa Expanded Patch

  • French, German, & Spanish localization available (may have mistakes)
  • CN / 汉化

**NEW** Discord[]

My other mods:
Nolexios  [author] 17 Mar @ 7:42pm 
There is now a Discord for feedback & discussion of this and my other mods. See the link in the description!
Nolexios  [author] 4 Mar @ 12:41pm 
I’ll also probably change it so that if your capital is in Italy, the Austrian circle will only get Austrian lands
Nolexios  [author] 4 Mar @ 12:38pm 
Yes, it’s possible I’ll make it more flexible in the future. But for now, in the post-war event you get admin points for every dev that was annexed by the Imperial Circle, which will offset much of the coring costs spent. I may also increase the consolation rewards with ducats, etc.
bees 4 Mar @ 11:00am 
howdy! I've been loving the mod so far on a Milan run, but I was wondering if it'd be possible to add an option to keep land that you personally own when you consolidate a circle? making the Austrian circle, for instance, made me lose the Po Valley and Venice to it, both of which were some of my best lands
Stuff_the_Second 16 Feb @ 1:49pm 
Suggestion: add a decision, war goal, or make a separate version of this mod that groups up provinces by states instead by culture such as Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Mittlemark, Neumark, etc.
Nolexios  [author] 14 Feb @ 8:18am 
@The Strategist
I wanted to keep it mostly to the historical extent of the Reichskreise, so no plans for France at the moment.
The Circles keep their normal mission trees, but any conquest missions that are blocking economic/dev missions in their trees are auto-completed.
The Release Free City decision is coded to spread the released cities around different Circles as much as possible, but for now it will remain random to avoid bloat.
Argakyan 1 Feb @ 5:04am 
"I need more Spätzli" lol
The Strategist 28 Jan @ 11:24am 
I have a few questions if its appropriate... A question will the imperial circles obtain unique subject orientated mission trees? Also will France be divided into possible circles so as to truly obtain Charlemagne's Legacy, and lastly will choosing where to release free cities become more a choice later or still random? I sincerely thank you for your time and Amazing mod I love it!
DUCATISLO 21 Jan @ 8:27am 
illlililiilili 14 Jan @ 6:50pm 
Thank you!! I was mistaken! Have a great day!