Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

125 ratings
Warhammer Map Builder
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
File Size
6.322 MB
26 Nov, 2024 @ 1:56am
2 Dec, 2024 @ 4:00pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Warhammer Map Builder

This is a map building and saving system that is intended to support all sizes of Warhammer 40k, Combat Patrol, Kill Team, and even Age of Sigmar.

Gone are the days of Additive Loading, and of needing a separate mod for each individual map!

The saver tool creates a card that stores the map on it. You can then store these cards on the game table of choice, stack these cards in a deck for randomized selection, and save them all as a single object for easy transportation between mods. This also allows you to only need a single mod to upload all of your maps!

The way this works is it saves the same save data that the game uses for a saved game/object, directly into the card itself. Clicking "Load Map" does the exact same thing as additive loading.

There are a lot of details that are good to know about this map builder and the saving tool/map cards, so please be sure to read all of the note on the table before diving in!

If you find any terrain or mat images you would like added, let me know on Discord!

If you get an error when you try to save your map, and you brought terrain in from an outside source, it's most likely because a piece of terrain has scripting on it! The Map Builder cannot save anything with scripting on it.
Raikoh  [author] 23 Jan @ 1:06pm 
@Brother Byakko
I have just tested all ruins and the lamps you talked about and have not had any issues
To discuss this further, reach out in the Discord server linked above
Raikoh  [author] 23 Jan @ 12:59pm 
@Absorbs Quickly
There is currently no way to do that. I can raise the default mat height by a few pixels to ensure there's no z-fighting if its that close. Can you DM me on discord and give me some links to those tables?
Absorbs Quickly 21 Jan @ 7:31pm 
Is there any way to make the maps spawn slightly higher up? I've had them conflict with the table itself on a bunch of tabletops. I'm not using FTC since I end up playing a lot of 4 player matches, which is probably the root of my issues, but wondering if there's options nonetheless.
Raikoh  [author] 18 Jan @ 6:53pm 
@Brother Byakko

Thanks for reporting these findings, I'll take a look at them
Brother Byakko 18 Jan @ 7:57am 
I have identified two issues so far. If you lock certain buildings and save, it may not load when prompted. There is also a lamp post in the lighting bag that emits light also seems to be a catalyst for the map to not load. I saved two versions of the exact same map with the only difference being the lamps and only the one WITH lamps wont load. Just a heads up!:steamhappy:
acv55555 17 Dec, 2024 @ 5:26pm 
Is there a way to increase/alter the size of mats?
slavedphoenix 8 Dec, 2024 @ 5:29am 
Is there a trick of fixing the clipping problems? For example in the Grimdark Terrain->Thermic Shrine corner C, if you want to place a space marine ontop or inside of the Ruin the Marine modell floats like blocked by a invisble cube
THE Invincible Las 5 Dec, 2024 @ 12:48am 
for Horus Heresy?
Miketech 4 Dec, 2024 @ 7:35pm 
Is there a way to invert the terrain?
Dumbass Deer (Not a Reindeer) 2 Dec, 2024 @ 2:22pm 
any stuff for epic/legions imperalis scale?