Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

32 ratings
Phantagonist's Invasions of Korea Leader Pack
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30 Nov, 2024 @ 9:43pm
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Phantagonist's Invasions of Korea Leader Pack

In 2 collections by Phantagonist
Phantagonist: Dynasty Project Collection 王朝計劃合集
30 items
Chinese Dynasty Uniques Support 中國王朝特性支援
43 items

Adds 3 alternate leaders from the Japanese Invasions of Korea (1592-1598) period.

Zhu Yijun
Wanli Emperor of Ming Dynasty, leads China Ability: One Whip and Three Campaigns Improvements provide +1 Gold; after researching the Currency technology, Mines provide an additional +4 Gold and -4 Loyalty per turn. Once per game after researching the Gunpowder technology, may spend 10000 Gold (at standard speed) to grant a Musketmen, a Crouching Tiger and a Bombard in all cities, and grant +10 Combat Strength to all combat units. Gain the Fu chuan unique unit with Cartography. Agenda: Silver in Private Treasury Likes peaceful civilizations with low Gold output. Dislikes civilizations that declare wars on neighbors.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Taikō of Japan, leads Japan Ability: Taikō's Castle Receive a Military Engineer when settling the Capital, and when completing an Encampment or a Harbor. Forts grant a standard adjacency bonus to specialty districts (+2 Gold for Encampments, Harbors and Commercial Hubs). Units within 4 tiles of a Fort receive +2 Movement. Gain the Atakebune unique unit with Cartography. Agenda: Sōbujirei Likes peaceful civilizations with a strong army and do not spread Religion in his territory. Dislikes civilizations that spread Religion in his territory, and neighbors with a weak army.

Yi Hon
King Seonjo of Joseon, leads Korea Ability: Sadae International Trade Routes gain +1 Science and +2 Gold; gain an additional +1 Science and +2 Gold from each active Alliance. Alliance level reaches Level 3 in one turn. Gain the Geobukseon unique unit with Cartography. Agenda: Filial Son, Traitorous Son Likes peaceful civilizations with at least one active Alliance. Dislikes warmongers without any active Alliance.

Unique Naval Units
Each of the leader has a unique naval unit to represent the masterpieces of their fleets. These unique naval units are unlocked at Cartography, require a Harbor to train and have high Production cost and maintenance. In exchange, they can perform melee attacks, ranged attacks (Range 1) and coastal raids, and each of them have unique abilities. The Chinese Fu chuan grant +5 Combat Strength and +10 HP healing to non-hostile naval units within 2 tiles, and allow them to heal outside home territory. The Japanese Atakebune receives +5 Combat Strength when in a formation, and formation units all inherit escort's Movement. Land units within 2 tiles ignore Movement and Combat Strength penalties from embarking and disembarking. The Korean Geobukseon (i.e. Turtle Ship) receives +5 Combat Strength when defending. It heals at the end of every turn, even after moving or attacking, while in home territory.

This mod requires Gathering Storm & Rise and Fall.

Supports English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Configuration Change
  • To accomodate Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ability, Forts can be built without technology requirements, but still require Military Engineers.
  • Great Admiral Yi Sun-sin's ability changes to "Instantly creates a Geobukseon unit with 1 promotion level. May train Geobukseon in cities with a Harbor after researching the Cartography technology."
  • When Phantagonist's Chinese Dynasty Uniques is active, Zhu Yijun receives uniques of the Ming Dynasty.
    Fu chuan counts as a Ming Dynasty unique unit, so he will trigger an Eureka and Inspiration after reseaching the Cartography technology that unlocks it.
    When spending 10000 Gold, receives Shenjiyings, Crouching Tigers and Hongyipaos instead of generic units.
Compatibility Change: Second Unique Infrastructure
  • When Second Unique Infrastructure is active, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ability also applies to Shiros.
    The Shiro unique improvement is now built by Military Engineers and Samurai (instead of Builders), without technology requirements, but provide less Culture and Production until researching the Castles technology.

  • The only reason we portray Yi Hon, King Seonjo of Joseon is that he is part of the three portraits by the illustrator. To better represent Korean resistance, you may consider using Yi Sun-sin by Teddyk (LastSword). We are also seeking leader portraits for other leaders to represent Korean resistance.
  • We may add new leaders to this leader pack in the future.
  • Comments with political and/or racist content is not entertained.

Special thanks to:
Artwork: 珊瑚虫
Fu chuan Model: Created for Civilization IV by General Matt, converted for Civilization V by wolfdog, imported as Civilization VI model by IthildinX
Atakebune Model: The model is based on the Atakebune model ( ) made by LukasSI. Usage based on CC Attribution. This MOD is created for nonprofit purposes. The model is retextured to better fit the Toyotomi regime.
Turtle Ship: Civilization V model imported by Deliverator
Phantagonist  [author] 21 Jan @ 12:49am 
In the unit purchase panel, there is a Wanli Expedition Army that costs 10000 Gold.
razvan.cebotarean 20 Jan @ 6:42am 
how does one expend the 10000 gold to gain the permanent +10 combat strenght? i can't seem to find the button
Phantagonist  [author] 17 Dec, 2024 @ 4:21am 
大明消消乐全国总冠军 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:34am 
Phantagonist  [author] 6 Dec, 2024 @ 3:14am 
It is designed as kind of an "ultimate move" and fits with my Ming Dynasty leaders' abilities - unique abilities with unique conditions. If you do not like it, you can also go for the more generic playstyles.
Ravioli 5 Dec, 2024 @ 5:42pm 
military push with zhu yujin look such a mess to fully use x(
Karrigan 2 Dec, 2024 @ 8:26am 
Phantagonist  [author] 2 Dec, 2024 @ 3:51am 
@ rustyjones4
This mod has not add support with Saph's East Asia map. I will ask about Saph.

@ yeobinist
This mod is compatible, but there will be 2 turtle ships, the turtle ship from STUU and geobuseon from this MOD.
i love cute chinese boys :3 2 Dec, 2024 @ 1:11am 
is this compatible with steel and thunder additional units mod? because the mod has already added turtle ship as Korea unique unit
rustyjones4 1 Dec, 2024 @ 10:26pm 
This is so great! Thank you for keeping CIV 6 alive and fresh. I've noticed that the Chinese TSL is in Siberia rather than Beijing or anywhere else in China (I'm using Saph's East Asia map), Was that intended?