Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

1,166 ratings
'82 Porsche 911
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22.695 MB
6 Dec, 2024 @ 10:37am
18 Feb @ 11:58am
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'82 Porsche 911

In 2 collections by KI5
KI5's vehicle collection
71 items
KI5's temp B42 collection
31 items
The classic 911 turbo with a RWB variant! Time to have some fun in a very small, light and fun car. It is a perfect car for anyone that likes to travel light and fast, downside is limited storage, but you can always get a roofrack and even a trailer maybe. It comes in turbo and rwb variants with some unique parts and most of them shared. Turbo is the classic Porsche and RWB is a fast, very direct car that can pull off crazy moves with some handbrake action, but it will eventually kill you. Have fun!

Main features:
  • 2 variants (911 turbo and Rauh-Welt Begriff)
  • 5 Front bumpers and 2 rear bumpers with 2 tiered protection
  • Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and windows
  • Visible interior and character (with improved exit/enter/aim animations)
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to craft and find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours (bumpers, bullbar, window armor, roofrack, spoiler etc)
  • Multiple texture variations
  • Armor protection for windows, doors, engine, headlights etc
  • 2 seats
  • B41 / B42 Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • It can tow and be towed
  • Not recolorable

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)


Check out my vehicle mods:

  • This mod is commission work by request of the Project Apocalypse Community[]
  • Thanks to The Indie Stone for making this awesome game and all this possible.
  • Special thanks to bikinihorst for the huge help with code, optimization, and taking care of the multiplayer and part code.
  • Awesome map in previews: Constown

Originally posted by KI5:

Ask for permission
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. If no permission is received you may not alter the mod, and it must be treated as a mod that is 'On Lockdown'. You are not allowed to repack this mod under any circumstances, ever.

Vehicle IDs: 82porsche911turbo, 82porsche911rwb

Workshop ID: 3379334330
Mod ID: 82porsche911
Popular Discussions View All (2)
21 Jan @ 2:48am
PINNED: Bugs go here
19 Feb @ 3:51pm
PINNED: B42 Bugs go here
Spazz Maticus 15 Mar @ 2:12am 
Aladeen: Hey, do you remember my favorite sports car?

Nadal: You mean your Porche?

Aladeen: Yes... the 911.

Nadal: Oh, 911, It's the best.

Aladeen: So I was driving my 911 near the palace one day... and I totally crashed

Aladeen & Nadal: (evil laugh).

Aladeen: It's okay, I've already ordered a new one. A brand new 911 2012.

Nadal: You know, while you are here, you should try to see some of the sights... such as the Empire state building and Yankee Stadium.

Aladeen: And I'd love to see the fireworks over the Statue of Liberty (explosion sounds).

Aladeen & Nadal: (evil laugh).
ExZachly 13 Mar @ 8:41pm 
I would love if you added a chance for a rare paintjob on the car that looks like Johnny Silverhand's Porsche.
Lyzz 10 Mar @ 2:02am 
great.... now i want the comet safari like the one in gta5 xD
Nyagger 7 Mar @ 6:58pm 
daamn I found a single one of these in my entire map, it was totalled in the crossroads near muldraugh
I guess I now have a long term goal
kilésengati 20 Feb @ 5:25pm 
Great mod as always, only one thing:

RUF > Porsche. :steammocking:
Chocomeowmeowmeowmeowmeow 18 Feb @ 1:45pm 
Irritant 16 Feb @ 4:21pm 
In B42, this model (and all your other car / trailer models that I've tried) sink slightly into the ground when the game is loaded. Entering and starting the car causes the wheels to rise off the ground, and after a couple of seconds the car body moves up as well. So, it's functional, but definitely looks a bit weird. The default car models don't sink into the ground.
Sssnakepit 16 Feb @ 4:10pm 
I was taking apart and repairing a Porsche I found and I was planning to craft a new rear bumper but I cant seem to find it in the crafting menu?
It doesn't seem to exist for me in my game. Anyone else notice this?
Whiplash 9 Feb @ 4:02pm 
Logged into my MP server today, Noticed my porsche was completely invisible, but you can still get into it and drive it, will removing the mod and adding it again fix the issue?
Gukbuk 2 Feb @ 3:14pm 
Question please about a problem i encountered:
Found one of these Porsche (Stable 41) brought it home and removed the 2 seats cause they where worn down quiet a bit.
The seats turned into "normal" vanilla standart seats and i was not able to put them back into the car.
Yes i run over 400 mods and yes i use Filibuster Animated Beta too besides enhanced and animated vanilla cars.
Still - anyone have an idea where my problem comes from ? May some issue with the mod itself ?