Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

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FPS boost for farming simulator 2025
By почти русский
this guide will help you to get better framerate, while playing the game. Hope you will enjoy it
Setting up your OS

Firstly, i higly recommend you to follow these steps to optimize your windows perfomance, so all resources will be directed to the game(sadly, this part wont help you if you have another OS because i wrote that guide from personal experience)

    As for me i use windows 11, so i recommend using this too, but its ok if you play on windows 10, i will show the same operations on your OS as well( But i highly recommend you to uprade your version to 11, because it will give you a large fps boost)
    An important step is to check if there are any new drivers of your CPU/GPU or usual components update available, because we want to maximise our framerate


In this paragraph I will tell you my set of Windows settings that allows me to get the maximum number of FPS

In Windows 11 this panel opens like this:
1)first open file explorer and right click on "my computer" and then select properties
2)then find the line "advanced system settings" and go further

3)then hit the settings under the perfomance tab

4)Turn everything off, except these two options,this will make your windows look a bit worse, but it will gurantee the boost of perfomance

In windows 10 this process was a little bit complicated, but this is the fastest way
1) press WIN + R
2) then write sysdm.cpl

3) Then hit the advanced

4) And do exactly the same

in Windows 11 and Windows 10 there is a slight difference in setting the power settings.In Windows 11, it makes sense to use a balanced power type and not maximum performance, since personally it gave me a small increase in FPS. But feel free to experiment in this regard, often the results vary from system to system. But on Windows 10 i still recommend using maximum perfomance
you can edit your power plan by simply typing in search power plan, and then change the advanced power plan, but also you can do it through your control panel following this path

From the very beginning, I want to note that on both systems it is best to turn off the game bar as well as all the options associated with it, but if we talk about game mode, then everything is not so simple, in Windows 10 there were some problems with stuttering in some games, when gaming mode is enabled, but based on my experience this problem was fixed in Windows 11 and the latest updates of Windows 10, so I recommend enabling this option in Windows 11 and Windows 10 as well

Game Bar in Windows 11
Game Bar in Windows 10

Game mode in Windows 11
Game mode in Windows 10

This step is no less important than all the previous ones, it will allow us to allocate more resources specifically to the game in order to get another small increase in performance

In windows 11 its very easy, on the other screenshots of game mode and game bar, you can see the graphic settings you need to click on it and turn on these options, like on the screenshot
In windows 10

Also must say that you should add your game to the list below, and set these settings

For this option both in windows 10/11 you will need path to the exe file, you can get that from steam by pressing browse local files
and then go to this path
Farming simulator 25\x64\FarmingSimulator2025Game.exe

Thats all for your OS settings
Setting up your game
In This section I will show you mine settings for Farming simulator 2025, tell you about the experience of playing with these settings, and show you the screenshots from the game

Now I will express my experience of playing with these settings. I immediately want to warn you that due to frame generation being turned on, the game will seem unresponsive for the first hour of the game, but believe me, you can endure it, and after the first hour you will stop noticing it, the picture is of very high quality but In some places it can be cloudy due to FSR, you can turn it off, but most likely this will cause a decrease in FPS by 20-30. So decide for yourself



On Rus

h3]On Eng[/h3]

This is my first guide, i hope it helped you, feel free to comment, like, ask questions
почти русский  [author] 8 Mar @ 11:47pm 
You're welcome!
Ev3n 8 Mar @ 1:59pm 
Went from 30-40 to 120+ fps! Thanks for the guide man, gonna give ya reward for this
ĐMA ● AiScrimmy 25 Feb @ 10:55am 
щас попробуем
почти русский  [author] 3 Feb @ 1:21am 
Thank you for your comment, I apologize that my guide was not comprehensive enough for you, the first point may indeed be enabled by default, I just urged you to double-check the enabled settings to maximize performance, this guide is based purely on my personal experience, if you have any questions add, you can write in the comments, I will add it to the guide and indicate you as a source of information,I hope the rest of the points helped you!
ChosenFate 2 Feb @ 4:37am 
the first settings, the windows performance settings, do absolutely nothing to FPS unless you run a 10 year old PC. the rest is mostly on by default in the OS. Come on.
почти русский  [author] 15 Jan @ 7:29pm 
You are welcome!
Dizzer 15 Jan @ 11:56am 
Very thanks for the guide i boosted 40 fps
konnazz33 14 Jan @ 5:22am 
почти русский  [author] 12 Jan @ 5:45pm 
Have you tried to update your GPU drivers, can help
Jarodb144 12 Jan @ 10:47am 
I'm getting ONE frame per second all of a sudden and can't seem to fix it