

666 ratings
Vanilla Skills Expanded
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
699.260 KB
4 Jan @ 4:15am
13 Feb @ 12:28pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Vanilla Skills Expanded

In 1 collection by Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 items
This is the up-to-date Vanilla Skills Expanded. Please remove any other versions of this mod.

Since the mod was previously uploaded by Legodude17, who is no longer around, we were unable to update this mod with critical bugfixes. This reupload is uploaded under my account and will allow us to bug fix it when necessary.

Check Change Notes for details.

Vanilla Skills Expanded is a new mod that expands on the vanilla skills system by introducing expertise to the extremely broad skill categories that vanilla has. Only 1 expertise per pawn can be gained. Expertise can only be gained in skills with both a passion and more than 15 levels. In addition, other mods can add more to account for their own additions of tasks.

Expertise will allow your pawns to truly excel in specific skills that fit their abilities and backstories. From planet-known farmers and architects to professional chefs and master duelists, this mod aims to add much more character to all the pawns.

Expertise is a permanent choice, so be careful what you pick!

This mod also introduces three new passion types - critical passion, natural passion and apathy!

A: Can I add it mid-playthrough to an existing save?
A: Yep!

Q: I don’t like certain expertise. Can I remove it?
A: No, simply don’t unlock it.

Q: Do NPC pawns spawn with expertise?
A: No, this aspect of the game is exclusive to the player colony. It makes no sense to force expertise on NPC. They don’t have their own simulated bases where an expert architect would come in handy.

Q: Does this mod work with EDB Prepare Carefully and Character Editor?
A: Yes!

Q: Is it compatible with another mod that adds passions?
A: Most likely not.

Q: Can I change the expertise?
A: No, expertise is a permanent choice.

Q: Does this work with Combat Extended?
A: It should!

Q: Does this work with Duck's Insane Skills?
A: Yes!

Q: Does this work with Mad Skills?
A: It should!

Q: Does this work with mods that transfer passions?
A: Most likely.

- Incompatible with Madder Skills. I have contacted the author of that mod and they are working on a fix.
- Incompatible with Static Quality Plus. Use Static Quality Stripped and Mad Skills instead.

No other issues are currently being tracked.


Oskar Potocki, an artist responsible for passion icons and creative writing
Legodude17, a programmer responsible for mod design and programming
Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.
(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)[creativecommons.org]
The Wizard-Jester 20 Mar @ 7:53pm 
Do the Architecture and Art Quality expertises allow you to make legendary structures and art, or would you still need an inspiration or specialist?
husagi 20 Mar @ 4:28am 
i would love to have a child caring expertise. any plans adding this?
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 19 Mar @ 11:57pm 
Already in mod options
Nexus 19 Mar @ 5:58pm 
is it possible to add a way to get multiple expertise?
Karma 17 Mar @ 10:33am 
Hello, i don't know if anyone had this issue but with the mod enabled my characters don't gain any Experience for the Skills
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 15 Mar @ 11:57pm 
If they spawn on the map, yeah. If they are the colonists' children, you can upgrade double passions to criticals in growth moments
Lolemos 15 Mar @ 6:44pm 
child can get critical passions?
Pickle Peterson 15 Mar @ 3:48pm 
steam is indeed a pain, I feel ya
The Wizard-Jester 13 Mar @ 11:11pm 
Ah, figured it out. It's been ages since I last played and didn't know steam sucks ass at updating stuff, especially workshop content.
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 13 Mar @ 3:30am 
No secondary requirements