Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

31 ratings
Hightower Expanded and Enhanced
Game Mode: Payload, Payload Race
File Size
9.893 MB
6 Jan @ 4:24pm
23 Jan @ 7:09pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Hightower Expanded and Enhanced

A small project that aims to improve Hightower without massively changing its design.

TO RUN: type "map workshop/3402308500" in the console.

Changes include:
-Improved clipping in certain areas.

-Stairs now have block bullets clipping, which should improve the reliability of rockets while firing towards stairs. (Suggested by mrswormsweat)

-Railing added in patches on the cliff, requiring a greater sense of timing if one chooses to camp as Pyro on the cliff.

-Fast classes should no longer bump into the spawnroom doors as they open.

-Minor visual changes and extra props.

-Health pack rebalancing, both in location and flow.

-The back hallway has been expanded.
krismastreebag  [author] 2 Mar @ 5:48am 
Mistolfo, as of very recently you can easily play workshop maps with friends! Once you've played the map / installed it, just press the Create Server button in Find A Game, make sure Steam Networking is enabled, and choose "plr_hightower_expanded" as your map.
Mistolfo Kovalskia 1 Mar @ 9:48pm 
are u able to play with friends?
Vladis7685 29 Jan @ 12:53pm 
is the area behind the house on the cliff finally accessible?
krismastreebag  [author] 23 Jan @ 6:38pm 
mrswormsweat, that's a good point. The main reason its not more common is because block bullets brushes prevent the "splintering" particle effects when firing at something with a hitscan gun. (It might also *slightly* effect rocket jumping, but I can't imagine how a rocket having to travel a few milliseconds less to explode could mess up any jumps that a human could consistently make)
However, I think I speak for most players when I say I'd rather have consistency in gameplay than in visuals, so I went back in to change it.
mrswormsweat 23 Jan @ 4:55pm 
You should use block bullets tool texture instead of player clip brushes on stairs. Block bullets also block rockets and grenades and an explosion from a rocket or grenade is traced to the player, if anything including steps are in the way no matter how thin, it causes 0 damage, which is why to use block bullets on stairs. If you can be under the stairs and can shoot between stairs from over to under and vice versa, then a player clip brush might be better in that case but neither option is perfect by then.
bad bitch bowacunga 18 Jan @ 10:59am 
i really like the added depth in the mid hallway