Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

33 ratings
Malediction Official Mod
Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
Play Time: 60 minutes
Language: English
File Size
6.543 MB
16 Jan @ 5:28am
11 Feb @ 10:43am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Malediction Official Mod

This is a mod for MALEDICTION, the Miniatures Card Game (MCG) created by Loot Studios.

Malediction Gamefound Campaign:

Malediction Website:

Face your opponents in this unique blend of miniatures and deck construction and prove your mastery in a battle for the control of powerful relics.

In the game, players control heroes called Seekers who summon allies to the board and cast potent spells. Using their customized deck, players duel against their opponent, deploying new units to the board, maneuvering to the best position, and using terrain to their advantage. If a player manages to be near a husk, they can reach in a pull forth a relic of immense power!

Players gain points for defeating enemy units and for holding onto relics. If any player has 40 or more points at the end of a round, they win the match!

This Mod will help you get started on your first game and is a great tool for testing strategy and deck-building.

Game modes:
Once you've opened the mod, you'll find 3 possible game modes.

•This is my first game - In this game mode, players will learn the basics of the Malediction mod and TTS. This game mode ends in round 3.

•I'm a beginner - In this game mode, players will play the full Malediction experience, using pre-constructed decks.

•I'm a Veteran - Here players can create their own decks and battle with all the currently available cards and units in the game.

•Faction Box: Legion of the Fallen
•Faction Box: Order of the Shattered Throne
•Faction Box: Conclave of the Spheres
•Faction Box: Primal Blood
•Malediction Playmat

Get a taste of the quality of Malediction 3D-printable miniatures for free.
Get exclusive miniatures to 3D print at home and bring a legendary battle with Leaping Tarok Beast and Valcarist Priest to life with the terrain Astarian Pathways.

Loot studios would like to thank the people below for their amazing contribution on the creation of this Mod:
•Sebastian Peschties, for his help with the "setup boxes"
•Ignacio Medina, for his help with the "interactive unit standees"
•Rafael Novellino, for his implementation and execution of everything else!
Popular Discussions View All (1)
22 Jan @ 8:57am
can't complete tutorial
Lenin himself 28 Jan @ 1:11pm 
Best game ever! Congratulations to everyone involved
LoadedSixString 28 Jan @ 7:17am 
Thx, drove me crazy
Scooter 24 Jan @ 1:07pm 
The mod is meant for 2 players. So when you reduce seeker Hp down to 15 you have to do it on the other seeker on the other side of the board. It’s how I got the tutorial to continue
Howler27 23 Jan @ 6:58pm 
Great mod! Played through the tutorial (you need to swap back and forth between colors), and really appreciated the scripted portion. It really helped me get a handle on the game! Looking forward to playing the full game!
Count Zero 23 Jan @ 3:11am 
Nevermind. Is set for 2 players, so you have to carry on with both sides before the tutorial continues.
Count Zero 23 Jan @ 2:48am 
same as suspicious lunk. Stuck at decrease to 15 HP.
Suspicious Lunk 23 Jan @ 2:17am 
The Tutorial always gets stuck on one of the first steps and will not continue. When the tutorial tells you to reduce your 1st unit's health to 15,it does not respond once the task is completed. There is no next button to advance to the next step, or any response from the game when the health is dropped to 15. I have tried reloading the game, both the simulated table and the entire tabletop simulator itself. It will not advance
Dee 22 Jan @ 7:27pm 
how do we get it to work with 3 or 4 player?
snowdart 22 Jan @ 12:53pm 
CryoNinja I had the same problem. You will need to set it up for both players in the table (RED + YELLOW). The same applies for some next steps after the one with the seeker
CryoNinja 22 Jan @ 12:28pm 
Correction on my last note: This is on the 'This is my first game' tutorial