Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

180 ratings
Sonic 1 GreenHill Zone Act. 1
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Map
Addon Tags: Cartoon, Fun, Roleplay
File Size
71.848 MB
18 Jan @ 11:47am
24 Jan @ 10:45am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Sonic 1 GreenHill Zone Act. 1

(READ) Put Garry's Mod on Chromium Branch to have textures animate properly!

After the unexpected success of my Sonic 2 map, I figured why not remake the entire game of Sonic 1 and then go from there? Well, THATS WHAT IM DOING why? Well screw you that's why! I only released Green Hill Zone Act 1 for now hopefully I can release the later 3 acts for now so you guys can have a playable Green Hill experience!

Here is my plan I want to remake the start of Sonic The Hedgehog to Sonic The Hedgehog 3 yes, you heard me correctly remaking all 4 games (including CD) with models, sounds, recreated mechanics, etc. Watch the video for more information!

If you're interested on wanting to help then let me know! If you're really good at hammer, making Voxel models, and scripts then let shoot me a friend request!

I hope someday someone remakes the classic engine on Garry's Mod.

I hope y'all enjoy

Special Thanks

FaZe_SpoonerLife (For giving the the idea of Voxel models and leading me to do my very own!)

Sega (for its characters)

and TopHATTwaffle (for the water textures)
Navsheik 29 Jan @ 5:05pm 
hey! I saw your message, would love to chat. Are you able to add me on discord? This would be for a YouTuber. Please keep me posted
m.antman  [author] 27 Jan @ 5:44am 
@SonicTheHedgehog95 Probably? I mean there really isnt a use maybe if someone ever made a gamemode recreating the genesis games then yeah def, but I could see about it
SonicTheHedgehog95 26 Jan @ 4:43am 
This is so cool! but if you plan on recreating the entire game for Sonic 1 do you plan on adding the special stages too?
m.antman  [author] 25 Jan @ 10:04pm 
@Gabe I plan on completing hopefully ACT 2 and 3 of greenhill by the end of this month might be late, but my entire plan is to recreate Sonic 1 so far start to finish with level mechanics, bosses and so on.
Gabe 25 Jan @ 3:10am 
please do more sonic maps
John Backflip 24 Jan @ 12:45pm 
oh ok thanks for the headsup
m.antman  [author] 24 Jan @ 10:39am 
@THE CAVERN WALLS textures will not animate I don't know why but later down the line they removed animated textures for Source so you have to use the Chromium Branch it just makes it look a whole lot nicer with the textures animating.
John Backflip 24 Jan @ 7:54am 
what happens if i dont put gmod on chromium branch? is it just the textures dont animate or will it make it look bad
Pizza-Man 23 Jan @ 1:06pm 
cool update!
Pizza-Man 21 Jan @ 2:14pm 