Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

60 ratings
Less Province Warscore Cost (-80%)
File Size
131.599 KB
19 Jan @ 8:49pm
13 Feb @ 10:18pm
5 Change Notes ( view )

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Less Province Warscore Cost (-80%)

I've always felt that EU4 restricted conquering far too much, and could never allow you or any AI to replicate Alexander's conquests, Rome's expansion, Ottoman's conquest of Mamluks, Mongol conquests, Moghul expansion, the conquests of the first caliphate, viking conquest of england, ect. Additionally, I felt that the player should be able to take as much as they want, with the in-game mechanisms of aggressive expansion and overextension being the only limit, not an arbitrary "warscore" number. If I fully defeat you, I should be able to take as much as I want and weigh the consequences of greed instead of being limited. I also felt that overextension was so brutal. Why would the peasants and my fellow countrymen be so upset about the successful expansion of the country? So I increased the overextension "cap" to 150% instead of 100%. This means you will only get negative "bloodthirsty warmonger" events from overextension if you have over 150% overextension. This mod will let you annex all of France, or Ottomans, or Lithuania, or Mamluks in one decisive war (and face the consequences of doing so).

This mod:
-Reduces warscore cost of all provinces to -80%
-Reduces warscore cost of vassalization to -80%
-Reduces warscore cost of being forced to release an annexed nation by -50%
-Reduces warscore cost of being forced to release a vassal by -50%
-Increases the overextension threshold from 100% to 150%

It should work with practically all mods as long as they don't change any of the values mentioned above. I tested this mod with all the ones that I usually play with (over 40 mods) and I only found one that conflicted: this fort maintenance reduction mod that does not even touch the defines.lua file. i dunno why. Let me know if you find any other mods that conflict!

I have not done extensive testing, so please let me know if there is anything that should be tweaked or doesn't seem quite right. Please leave a comment of what you think!

Check out the other versions:

-80% (No Overextension Threshold change):
-50% (No Overextension Threshold change):
-30% (No Overextension Threshold change):
kc01 25 Feb @ 2:38pm 
Nobody wants to watch your videos egomaniac fat ass
Chewy 25 Feb @ 1:35pm 
Video dropping tomorrow. Enjoy!
fnyb3rg 24 Feb @ 3:46am 
sorry i didnt see that you responded but yeah i was thinking that if you changed it to work like this mod if possible it would basically remove all incompatiable stuff
SANDE iG.  [author] 15 Feb @ 4:32pm 
oops i called it AE change when it is actually the overextension threshold. either way its up
SANDE iG.  [author] 13 Feb @ 11:29pm 
@Jrookus no AE change version is up!
2000wires 13 Feb @ 8:07pm 
@GREEN Alright, thanks
GREEN 11 Feb @ 3:09pm 
@2000wires I've been using it with responsible blobbing and it seems to work perfectly fine for me
2000wires 10 Feb @ 2:46pm 
Does this work at all with the responsible blobbing mod?
justinlyo 9 Feb @ 10:07am 
Thanks for the amazing mod I use it for Voltaire's Nightmare so I don't have to go to war with one country 40 times just to conquer them.
SANDE iG.  [author] 7 Feb @ 9:16am 
@Kirikaze nothing would be stopping finland from doing that per se, but if finland somehow managed to 100% capture russia and peaced out all their allies, i don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to if they wanted to. i’ve found that the AI is pretty modest in their conquests, i’d say most wars between majors don’t go to 100% - they are often fairly balanced. the finland AI in your scenario would then have to contend with the enormous amounts of AE, overextension, and coring costs.