Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

497 ratings
[B42/B41]Project Seasons 🇧🇷
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21 Jan @ 3:38pm
15 Mar @ 7:55am
22 Change Notes ( view )

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[B42/B41]Project Seasons 🇧🇷

Project Seasons:

If you're tired of that repetitive vanilla erosion, this mod will change that by changing the textures to make the erosion more varied and denser and matching the seasons, It will also add a little more of that apocalyptic atmosphere that everyone loves.


- dry leaves and pink leaves scattered across the roads at their respective times of year, and branches scattered across the streets.

- more varied vegetation matching the respective time of year (no more of that repetitive grass that grows on the roads).

- It also improves the final stage of erosion (after 6 or 12 months), changing the textures to leaving vegetation more denser

- cars rust with time

- deers may appear in urban regions after 100 days NOTE: if you create a game or have a game with more than 100 days the script already starts the spawns.

- extra vines may appear, house interiors will appear dirtier and more abandoned, and roofs will have a more worn appearance, all of which will occur over a period of 30, 50, 90 days. (NOTE: At the moment this only happens in regions the player has never visited.)

I still plan to add more things and small details to make the world much more alive and beautiful.

Project Seasons B41:

The version of this mod in b41 is a bit more limited and doesn't have some things, like the rust system and the new extra erosion progression, but I'm working on implementing all of that soon.

In B41 you'll still have the new erosion textures that change with the seasons and make the erosion denser.

mods that I recommend to enhance your experience:

10 years later: (if you want to play in a scenario with much denser vegetation with the extra details of my mod)

The Last of Us Infected:

Barricaded World - Extended Erosion:

(B41) Time Decrease Cars Condition:

(B41) RUST :

can it be added mid game?

Tests are still being carried out, but so far I haven't had any problems adding this mod in the middle of a save. (but keep in mind that there is still no guarantee that any problems may arise)


six versions of the mod available, remember to activate only one at a time and also to restart the game whenever you enable a different version.

What does each version of the mod do?

Project seasons:
This is the base mod with all the features

Project seasons - no moss:
It is a version without the textures that change some cracks on the roads

Project seasons - no moss (with vanilla rust textures):
the same thing as the version above but it also changes the new rust textures to their vanilla texture

Project seasons - no moss and no rust:
the same as above but without the mechanics that make cars rust over time

Project seasons - no rust mechanics:
version without the mechanic that make cars rust over time

Project seasons - vanilla rust texture:
changes the new rust textures to their vanilla texture

Workshop ID: 3412105017
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B41
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42_noanimalsspawncity
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42-Nomoss
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42-Nomoss_vanilla_rust
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42-Nomossandrust
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42_norustmechanic
Mod ID: Project_Seasons_B42_vanilla_rust
Popular Discussions View All (1)
19 hours ago
Jegon Chéserex 1 hour ago 
ha! just noted now that you already answered about the rust removal and maintenance thing, could be interesting to ad a condition to enable or disable it for working cars and only apply it to wrecks
Jegon Chéserex 1 hour ago 
really important, does the rusted cars will still be animated with vanilla car animated? also a side note, is there a way for us to "unrust" or maintain a car to prevent them from rusting or revert it?
DRAGO1212  [author] 19 hours ago 
@Antimttr to test, try creating a game in 12 months later with just my mod, set the erosion speed to 20, and try starting in June
DRAGO1212  [author] 19 hours ago 
@Kagarine yep
Kagarine 20 Mar @ 10:43am 
Do the rust mechanic works with vehicle mods also ? :poppo:
Antimttr 19 Mar @ 5:30pm 
Everything still looks exactly like in Vanilla for me. What am I doing wrong?!
Mikhail 19 Mar @ 8:52am 
Q foda meu nobre puta mod interessante
DRAGO1212  [author] 19 Mar @ 7:31am 
@reulloamregistro At the moment, rust applies to all vehicles on the map and there is no way to remove it, but I am working on an update that solves this.
reulloamregistro 19 Mar @ 5:32am 
Does rust apply to all vehicles including those that are indoors or in use or just those that have not been seen yet? Is it possible to remove rust with any product or skill?
DRAGO1212  [author] 18 Mar @ 6:24pm 
@thanks for the free head dumbass

yes but use the version of my mod called "no rust mechanic"