53 ratings
Zens Blood Trail
Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics
File Size
1.640 MB
21 Jan @ 6:08pm
21 Jan @ 6:08pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Zens Blood Trail

What Is This?

This mod adds persistent blood drips when players are bleeding, making them trackable.

The blood drips persist between server restarts etc like any object in-game.

The chance of blood drips and the time persistence of them is configurable.

Installation Instructions:

Install this mod like any other mod - copy it into your server folder and add it to your mods list. Make sure to copy the .bikey into your server keys if you're not using a server management tool like OmegaManager which does that automatically.

This server must be run on both the client and the server.

A JSON config file for adjusting the blood drip settings will be automatically created in server_profiles/Zenarchist/ZenBloodDripsConfig.json - the chance of blood drips is triggered every ~3 seconds server-side.

Repack & Source Code:

You can repack this mod if you like, and do anything else you want with it for that matter. The source code is on my GitHub at

Buy Me A Coffee:

All my mods are free and open source, but it takes an enormous amount of time to put some of these mods together. If I've helped you out, please consider helping me buy my next coffee! I don't expect it, but I very much appreciate it.

oh_tschiii_android 26 Feb @ 1:32pm 
Maybe Problem with 1.27? I get Error 0xC0000005 = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, when i remove this MOD, no Problems
Bazim 7 Feb @ 12:19pm 
How performance heavy this can get if the blood is persistant?
splinter.fenix 3 Feb @ 4:18am 
@Ash Williams У меня в Inedia почему-то не хочет оставлять кровавый след. Ни зомби, ни звери. Видно, как кровь хлещет из раны. Есть лужа крови под мертвым телом. Но, когда перемещается раненый зверь/зомби/человек - на полу капель нет, чтобы отследить.
this is better then install the stuped inedia mod since you need to turn of ALL 1000 another settings becuse you only need this one...Great mod :)
Ash Williams 29 Jan @ 7:16pm 
@splinter.fenix yes. you can shoot an animal and be able to track it with the blood trail on the ground. Not knocking Zens blood trail, I am sure its great but InediaInfected is great
splinter.fenix 29 Jan @ 4:11pm 
@Ash Williams От животных там кровь остается на земле, разве?
Ash Williams 29 Jan @ 2:54pm 
InediaInfectedAi has this for zombies and animals, plus a ton more.
ForgeFPS 28 Jan @ 11:46pm 
@The Antidothe GoreZ already has a blood trail feature
Christian 28 Jan @ 1:09pm 
yo you should make a suppression mod, find that is missing from this game as it is literally the backbone of real life infantry fighting tactics
The Antidothe 27 Jan @ 11:17pm 
Will this conflict with the Gore mod?