Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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22 Jan @ 12:52pm
1 Mar @ 1:39pm
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trade_superstructure. In TF2. It's GRAWSOME!!!
Update v1_2 15.02.2025
- GarnHell
- Carmobile
- Garr7C
segfault 23 Jan @ 11:12pm 
About that tower I can say that it is one big model/prop :nightmareeyes:
So as I can see it has some issues with lighting and that flickering textures.
Mr-Fluf 23 Jan @ 5:28pm 
This map is honestly garntacular, the car model is very silly gobber. There is a few things I had issues with, mostly being my lack of knowledge towards garn47 which got me easily lost and I'm not entirely sure how u are supposed to open the gates to the next area where u pass through the obstacles, but that's probably a skill issue from my side.

Besides that, there is a few issues I had
-The tower seems to have a lot of z-fighting brushes that just spaz out constantly and is sort of very dark to navigate there which is annoying
-The obstacle with holding onto the ceiling can only be done with classes that can double jump, rocket jump, sticky jump etc... other classes unfortunately can't do the parkour.
-I assume the area where u get teleported if u stand in spawn for some time is an AFK area which is neat, but I'm not sure if is supposed to kill me overtime or just put me there permanently with no way out.

Honestly, I really liked the map besides that! :sgsmile:
segfault 22 Jan @ 1:25pm 
Totally GARNULAR!!!