

69 ratings
DynamicEuropa - Long Levels Patch
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23 Jan @ 1:54pm
24 Jan @ 12:40pm
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DynamicEuropa - Long Levels Patch

Brings back the old Dynamic Europa experience by making all levels considerably longer. And I mean, like, 3km of distance between outposts instead of 1km. This is not a 1:1 recreation of old level generation in Dynamic Europa. A lot of values have been tweaked to hopefully produce less painful levels and have you spend less time in the abyss.
I recreated this experience for my personal campaigns and I'm posting it here just in case anyone else has a need for it.

I cannot recommend this patch to you unless you:
- Have a group you consistently play the campaign with;
- Have actually beaten a few full campaigns before;
- Tend to finish your campaigns quickly instead of getting stuck grinding;
- Have a captain who really, really loves piloting submarines.

If you do end up installing the patch, place it ABOVE Dynamic Europa on your mod list.
ØG 18 Mar @ 1:58am 
Should have specified if this is safe to install and use on an existing D.E. campaign...
Title Fight Enjoyer 20 Feb @ 3:46pm 
is this compatible with existing campaigns?
NotWendy  [author] 17 Feb @ 3:54pm 
Wiki is correct, it just doesn't specify the settings for each biome on that page. I'm speaking about the actual "create hole to abyss" parameter of the editor, which is disabled in Cold Caverns.
What is enabled is the hole in the right wall of the level, which can be used to access the abyss.
The mod does disable that hole. The usual purpose of it is to allow players to re-enter the level reliably if they appoach the level's right border from the abyss.
@NotWendy Not meaning to be rude, but I copy-pasted that out of Barotrauma wiki. What you say suggests the wiki is wrong. But... before using this mod I always saw a gap at the end of the level, even in cold caverns, even on very first mission if I recall correctly. After using this mod thou, I haven't seen a single gab in cold caverns.

Am I just imagining things? If yes, then please ignore what I said. I will go and try a vanilla playthrough of at least first two missions now =O

I didn't even need to finish very first mission and could enter the Abyss at the end of the level...
NotWendy  [author] 17 Feb @ 2:53pm 
The holes are not supposed to appear in Cold Caverns, by design, both in the base game and in the mod. In later biomes they do appear, but due to how level generation works, I can't always force the hole to be directly below the outpost. Sometimes it gets misplaced, with the outpost being father to the right than the hole to the abyss.
Hello again! I think I found something. According to Barotrauma wiki:

"The Abyss is the area beneath the main route of a level, often extending well below crush depth. It is accessible through "holes" in the passage walls, either in the floor or next to the outpost at the end of the level. The hole next to the end outpost is guaranteed to spawn in every level, but depending on the biome, there may be more or fewer gaps in the floor that lead to the Abyss."

I haven't seen any of these holes that are supposed to be at the end of the level. I have gotten through two maps...
@NotWendy Thank you! Kinda thought all levels would be 3km long =O
NotWendy  [author] 15 Feb @ 5:22am 
It starts with about 1.7km long levels in Cold Caverns. And the biome with the longest levels is the Great Sea.
Question, will all levels be 3km long? Because Cold Caverns are still about 1km length for me =O
NotWendy  [author] 15 Feb @ 3:15am 
Should be safe. Worst-case scenario - it won't do anything. Best-case scenario - the game will actually use the new settings when generating levels.