Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

84 ratings
[B42] OSRS XP Drops Retextured
File Size
166.737 KB
24 Jan @ 5:49am
2 Feb @ 3:47pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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[B42] OSRS XP Drops Retextured

Retextured version of the original XP Drops - Old School Runescape mod made to better match the aesthetic of Project Zomboid. Each skill icon has been replaced with existing sprites from within the game and the UI panels have been made to look more consistent with the other UI. All the new B42 skills have their own icons and so do some modded ones!

I DID NOT MAKE THE BASE VERSION OF THIS MOD, ORIGINAL CREATOR IS BROFACE. If he wishes for me to take down this mod then I will do so immediately. If the original mod gets updated to B42 I will make it a dependancy for this mod.

I mainly made this mod for myself however I've decided to put it up on the workshop in case anyone else was interested in having an OSRS XP Drops mod that fits better into the game visually.

Workshop ID: 3413529369
FishLord  [author] 12 Mar @ 12:52am 
Sure thing! I'll get it in once I have the chance to.
Mustang 10 Mar @ 4:25pm 
Can you add support for "Combat Mastering Skill" mod please (same Author that did the Efficiency mod)
Mc Roidaaar 5 Mar @ 8:41am 
FishLord  [author] 4 Mar @ 9:44am 
In the ui folder in the mod folder you can swap out the icons for whatever you like. Just make sure the files keep the same name
Mc Roidaaar 4 Mar @ 8:57am 
can we change icons without modding knowledge?
FishLord  [author] 31 Jan @ 1:18am 
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into adding them. I wanted to add more modded skills but couldn't find any more on the workshop in my quick search so posting any here would be appreciated.
LumberingTroll 31 Jan @ 12:12am 
Could you add support for the following mod added skills? Lifestyle: Hobbies adds: Art, Cleaning, Dancing, Meditation and Music. and Trait Points from Trait purchase system.

I know its a bit of work but if you are willing I would really appreciate it!

I see that you already have support for Driving, Scavenging and Efficiency, that's awesome!
루이빌 외노자 30 Jan @ 3:23am 
Koal 28 Jan @ 12:39am 
Thank you! I loved the mod but didn’t find the RuneScape textures to be fitting for Zomboid and hope one day the icons would be updated to reflect Zomboid better.
ZOOMBIRD 27 Jan @ 2:25pm 
Looks great, thank you!