Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Powerhouse (Mannpower)
Game Mode: Mannpower
File Size
23.878 MB
24 Jan @ 7:34am
4 Feb @ 7:13pm
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Powerhouse (Mannpower)

In 1 collection by JTSYoRHa
JTSYoRHa Map Conversions/Edits
14 items
Powerhouse (cp_powerhouse) reconfigured into the Mannpower Gamemode

Map changes apart from Powerups include increased visibility (new windows), and additional Health & Ammo pickups.

Map includes a Nav. Mesh built in, so you can play with bots at your desire, although a bit more flawed than usual, Engineer Bots will not build anything, and are sometimes too scared to even leave spawn. But they will pickup Powerups.

How to install:
Go to:
..\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\440\3413587522\

then move the map file to your map directory, typically its:
\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\TeamFortress2\tf\maps
then you can either use in the console:
"map ctf_mp_powerhouse"


you can just do: "map workshop/3413587522" in the console.

Map was a C0mm request by a friend.
TheGhostThatWas 2 Feb @ 4:27pm 
I love mannpower, but I feel like powerhouse would have to be even bigger to support it. grapple hooks let you travel just so quick
Kiwano -> LVFC 2 Feb @ 11:19am 
we love mannpower <3
31 Jan @ 6:58am 
always thumbs up for maps including navmesh
JTSYoRHa  [author] 30 Jan @ 11:45am 
yeah i tried putting bot_hint_sentrygun in conjuction with bot_hint_engineer_nest and bot_hint_teleporter_exit and they still wouldn't go out and build
mrswormsweat 30 Jan @ 3:50am 
Engineer bots not building anything is a problem with all CTF maps in general as I am aware. It has to do with the game not automatically adding Sentry spots in the navmeshes for CTF maps. I couldn't find a way to manually add nav areas as Sentry spots.
JTSYoRHa  [author] 24 Jan @ 7:51am 
eventually one of these days i'm going to revamp all my workshop upload icons to actually be presentable rather than just 'kirby 64 font white overlaid on map in background'
JTSYoRHa  [author] 24 Jan @ 7:49am 
ten billion hours in photoshop