Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (111)
Drivable Jetski Kawasaki
Created by Іñaki²
Check my Dev Blog Suscribe to my YouTube Channel SHOW ME YOUR LOVE Kawasaki SX-R 800 This model has been arround for a long time, but now you can drive it. Its paintable, use the color tool. ...
Created by Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
RC-XD Prototype V4
Created by Hahyun
Aarrows for movement, T for numped for Camera, X for Explosion, J for numped for light, B for truster Changelog: Added truster...
Created by uacnix
As the name says- place and launch her. In this case it should be "them" not "her", but who cares? The first, earlier upload was made public because of my lovely steam that gave me an internet error when changing visibility, so i thought it was private. Pr...
Epic missile launcher
Created by isaiahere
Simply press the button or use the "up arrow key" to launch this epic missile. G-man and Breen not included....
Inspired by I AM WILDCAT's youtube videos, the puncake! Just to clarify the model used for this addon is not the black ops 2 C4 but instead a pancake, in the future the C4 may be added along with the option to choose which of them you would like to use. Cu...
Air Vehicles
Created by Sakarias
Air Vehicles 1.5 This addon includes one helicopter and two jet fighters. Each air vehicle has two versions. One with weapons (admin only) and one without. THE CONTROLS SHOWN IN THE VIDEOS ARE WRONG! CONTROLS = Default Key Jets Jump : Increase Throttle Wal...
Riot Shield
Created by Jordan
"I can dodge bullets... no?" - Sinavestos Anyway , this is a SWEP that uses the Modern Warfare 2 Model. The shield will stop any bullets from dealing any damage to you. It's great for DarkRP and Trouble in Terrorist Town , or any other game-mode that invol...
Left Shark playermodel
Created by The One Free-Man
A player model and ragdoll of the real MVP. First skin uses the player colour, but switch to the second for that distinct and authentic all-shark blue! Say no to good choreography and dance like you're not wearing a shark suit Also, I don't know why I made...
North Korean RP Playermodel Set
MOSTLY ALL CREDIT TO CHEESE BY MAKING KIM JONG UN MODELS Do you want those model in DarkRP? NPC Version Include Kim Jong Un Soldier (Male and Female) Police Feature Hands/Viewmodel/C_model Known Bug For Police unsupported HL2 weapons, just use other weapon...
Force Fists
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Fists with ultimate power. Deals huge damage and knockback enemies. Has a special abilty - Combo Attack. Combo attack does three attacks and then launch enemy to the sky. Keys: Left/Right Click - Hit. Reload Key(R) -...
Picolas Cage playermodel
Created by aap15
Do you like pickles? Is nicolas cage your favorite actor? then this is your lucky day. you are now able to play as PICOLAS CAGE. And the only thing you have to do is to click the subscribe button. don't hesitate. Just do it, don't let your dreams be dreams...
Day of Infamy Explosives pack
Created by Полковник
The last pack of Day of Infamy Weapons (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency) with rocket launchers and grenades. Included: Bazooka PIAT Panzerfaust Mk2 Grenade Mills Bomb No69 Grenade M18 Smoke Grenade Stielhandgranate Made by me P.S.l...
The Patty Wagon - 400k
Created by Bananaisu
'YOU DON'T NEED A LICENSE TO DRIVE A SANDWICH' -Spongebob, 2004 Drivable Patty Wagon ported from Nick Racers Revolution 3D Credits: Steele - Rig, compiling, showing me how to port, ect. Me - The Idea ==Seen in== Garry's Mod Mod Reviews #1 (Check it out her...
Spartan Kick
Created by Shot846
THIS IS SPARTA! Primary Attack: THIS Is SPARTAAAA! Secondary Attack: Instant Kick! Reload: MADNESS! Ported to GMOD 13 Helper: uacnix REMEMBER to turn on sv_cheats 1 to get slow motion!...
CSGO New Phoenix Connexion Enhanced
Created by ArachnitCZ
“This is easy! We kill them and then we go home!” Valve's new 2017 CS:GO Phoenix Connexion crew models enhanced by me. Features: Doesn't need CS:GO. Extra details for the textures. Custom made bodygroups. Custom made eyeposing. Custom made props. All offic...
Banana Pistol
Created by
Friendly Gnome(Original)
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Classic toybox friendly gnome. Includes all toybox verison features. Do not use fire at him :) Download ingame in Toybox Toybox item Page Rate up this mod and leave your comments. Originally made by Tater_Bonanza(Tet...
Created by Mike ☂
Berlin, Germany - WW2 *Do not re-upload this version of the map anywhere* You may edit this map and upload your version to the workshop, (with a link to the original please). Have fun with it!...
Fortnite Vehicles Pack [simfphys]
Created by Alien31
Don't Forget to Vote! This Pack Includes Camper Celebrity Camper FireTruck (Save the world Vehicle) Ambulance (Save the world Vehicle) CityBus Coupe (Save the World Vehicle) DumpTruck Laboratory DumpTruck FoodTruck Forklift (Save the world Vehicle) FortTru...
[Simfphys] Ferrari 312 1967
Created by playmobilbus
- - More info below - - Some guy has much luck because i've released many of his requests. This is the Ferrari 312 1967 and it contains: 1 seat for the pilot and... Sounds from the original add-on I hope you will enjoy it! If you want, you can join the gro...
Sunset Island v2
Created by WhiteKnuckles Hello! Welcome to Sunset Island v2! Map name: gm_uncivilized_island found under Sandbox Sunrise version of this map-- Features : Fully AI noded! 3 Explorable ...
[simfphys] GTA San Andreas Cars
All cars from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas...
[simfphys] Fast And Furious Car Pack
Created by Goonya
This is a pack of 10 cars from Fast And Furious franchise, ported from NFS Carbon modification simfphys is required Cars list Honda Civic SI Mazda RX-7 (Dominic Toretto) Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX ✝ Toyota Supra Nissan Skyline G...
Created by chen_xl00000
map for counter strike source 几年前做的css地图,彼时制图手法就这水准,各位别介意,好久之后的今天我整理文件的时候,才打包上传的创意工坊。 It mimics a map of a mobile game called Modern combat 3....
Abyss Watchers & Dark Wraith SNPC
Created by RedFlytrap
Requires Vj Base to work properly. People who spam in the comments will be blocked, this is your only warning. _______________________________________________________________________ Includes: Abyss Watcher Abyss Watcher (Evil) -- This one will attack the ...
Rust Playable Guitar [Reupload]
Created by Nevel
The official Addon has been Deleted, Here is a Reupload ! 🎸 Ding Ding diign Dinng Dinng Ding diNg 🎶 If you are the creator of this mod, feel free to reupload it back ! 🐰BunnyhatClub✨ 🐰BunnyhatGroup🎮 ...
Union City China
Welcome to Union City China ! Map made for: Almost all the signs / texts has been re-textured to chinese . + added chinese lamp models . The addon has ALL the required content packed into the map! No need to subscribe to anything else f...
Xi Jinping Playermodel 习近平 The glorious leader of China Playermodel made for CoronaRP Server IP: To join type "connect" in to your game console! (without the quotation marks)
Chairs Extended
Created by Donald
Chairs Extended This mod adds more Chair's from various Source Games such as Half Life 2, Counter Strike Source etc. All Chairs come with skin support of up to 6 for building in sandbox etc including default chairs. This adds seats such as crane seats, car...
Tyrant SNPC[Resident Evil]
Created by ERROR
Very strong creature from Resident Evil series. He can crush you skull in few hits. Shooting in head will help you more that shooting in body. NPC located in NPC's>RE:DC(that mean Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles, because i used models from this game). C...
Shrinkinator - Player Resizer
Created by Pinhead Larry
The Shrinkinator allows players to shrink or grow to many sizes. Movement speed, mass, jump height, damage dealt, damage received, eye height, hitbox, E +use range, and many other things all scale with your size for an immersive experience. This addon supp...
VManip (Base)
Created by datæ
A small clientside library for left hand animations, with slight support for legs animation as a bonus. For first person view only. This only includes the base code and some models! This only supports c_hand weapons! Features: Straightforward way to play l...
Among Us Gamemode
Created by Neeve Now you can play the hit murder mystery in 3D! GMAU is a full recreation of the popular game Among Us by InnerSloth in the Source Engine. Work with your friends to find the Imposter, or deceive them all and kill everyone! (Y...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Full Version)
Created by King David™
Created by chunchengchai
Dirty Chinatown Map --- There is a bug on the map. If you start the map in multiplayer, then all decals on it will disappear. To solve the problem, you need to write two commands in the console: mp_decals 2048 r_decals 2048 You need to write them before en...
Xerasin's Micro Vehicles
Created by Xerasin
Some Micro vehicles that you can drive around with! They should be located in the entities tab! Current Vehicles: - Box Car - Train - Helicopter - Melon? - Boat - Submarine - UFO (test!) Controls: Controls are now all explained in game! Source: https://git...
The End (Liminal Space / Backrooms map)
Created by Maxdragonn
(PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT) listed as "gm_theend" in the menu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by the classic liminal space photo, "The End" often associated with the backrooms, is an abandone...
[simfphys] Mazda MX-5 Miata
Created by ШВЕРГ
● Exterior and Interior Lightning works ● 1 Passenger seat ● Working gearshift lever, fuel, oil pressure, temperature needles etc. (Check the video) ● Working wipers (StormFox 1 or StormFox 2 required) ● 3D Sounds System Use client cvar "simf_firstpersonso...
Dehydrated Medic (playermodel)
Created by UraFoxa [she/her]
edit of this Based on (but not strictly adhering to) this funny image give him some got dam water Featuring 3 skins and a weird small collision box no you dont need tf2 mounted edit: why do all my dumb memes get front page...
GM Vault
Created by Mschulmeister
Inspired by Fallout3 concept-art pieces --------------------------------------------- -Variety of rooms and themes -Does NOT require CS:S -Has AI Nodes - Has HDR and Bloom - Leave a like :D -All custom prop models and textures were made by me. - 1# on most...
Quandale Dingle Nextbot
Created by geek
Spawn in NPC's Nextbot Quandale What's up guys it's Quandale Dingle here. I've been arrested for multiple crimes. Including battery on a police officer, Grand theft, declaring war on Italy and public indecency. I will be escaping prison on March 28th. I ju...
Quickdraw Heavy SWEP
Created by Hds46
"I am Heavy Gunslinger Guy, and this is my new weapon" — Heavy Gunslinger Guy This is a weapon from both Team Fortress 2 (Pow Haha taunt) and more specifically an old show called Gmod Idiot Box where there's arcade game called Quick-Draw Heavy. Features: I...
Obunga Nextbot
Created by Dan_man24
Obunga, the 44th president of the united state. a nextbot chases you (super fast) subscribe to my Channel "Dan_man241"
Created by andY_25015
Just a generic com-bloc inspired map. Living in a post-communist country, i can relate to the feeling this environment gives off. This map was also supposed to be just a test, and not something i'll end up releasing, but it came out too good to not release...
Monke (Playermodel┃Ragdoll)
Created by Reino76
NOW INCLUDES A PLAYERMODEL TOO THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE DOWNLOADS! IT'S INSANE HOW WE'RE ON THE FIRST PAGE Become a monky Look no further, you'll make your ancestors proud with this playermodel. I made this because I saw a funny video about an orangutan ...
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (Bloodborne) [PM/NPC]
Created by kuma7
"Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower (時計塔のマリア Tokei-tō no Maria lit. "Maria of the Clocktower") is a Boss in Bloodborne. She was added with The Old Hunters DLC" - Bloodborne wiki This addon includes: - Original size and resized (human size) playermodel - F...
ROTTR Lara Croft Leather Jacket Outfit [PM/NPC]
Created by kuma7
20th septembre, 2019: fixed that dumb "auto smooth" thing from blender. This is one of the outfits of Lara Croft in Rise Of The Tomb Raider. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH DirectX8 Face, jacket and Jeans are 4K // Hands and boots are 2K Polygons: 77,243 verts // 126,...
Cozy Coupe (Simfphys)
Created by Nodnarb2004
Found the model online, thought it would be funny to put it in gmod. you can find the car under the "Top Gear" section of the Simphys menu (it has nothing to do with top gear but I used my other addons as a base and only now realised my mistake) This addon...
Snowy Sosnovka
Created by ЛСОЛГН
maps called gm_sosnovka2 and gm_sosnovka2_night Super remaster of my old map. Many models and textures have been remade from scratch and now they are not so scary :) In addition to the day and night versions, there is with a storm and with a darker storm, ...
Instant Respawn
Created by Łagiewnik
Overview Simple addon that removes the need to wait, and press the spacebar key to respawn Features -- Instant Respawning -- You can respawn in the location you died! (If you enable it of course) -- Settings in Utillities Tab! Tags Dark RP roleplay instant...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Day of Defeat
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Day of Defeat Source integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over t...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Prone Mod
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Here it is! The official Prone Mod extension to the wiltOS Animation Base, for use with Prone Mod All credit goes to Stiffy and the people at Valve for making the HL2 prone layers and prone base ...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Riddick
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are custom animations made by Riddick for wiltOS Technologies. All rights belong to DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS EXTENSION, AND APPROPRIATELY CREDIT THE...
[wOS] Animation Extension - SMITE
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the SMITE integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted Credits: King David - Porting them to source, putting them on Biped, minor t...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Team Fortress 2
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Team Fortress 2 integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted This currently includes the following animations: Conga Taunt - Al...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Familiar Dances
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! Man these dances sure look familiar huh.. These are a collection of Familiar Dance animations ported by wiltOS Technologies. They are being reworked animations to fit the gmod skeleton, as the ga...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Custom Taunt
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Custom Taunt integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the wO...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Action Half-life
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Action Half-life integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations or moving it over. Credit goe...
(New Update!) Omega Punch
Created by ymo
Omega Punch New update! (5/22/22) Added: Omega Slap Punches now effect physics objects Punch anything you wish! Taco Bell Bong included! (optional) Punch striders, combine, hunters, gunships, antlions, ANYTHING YOU FEEL LIKE PUNCHING (I am not liable for s...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Left 4 Dead
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are L4D animations ported by wiltOS Technologies. They are being reworked animations to fit the gmod skeleton, as L4D has strange sizes. More to come over time! Original animations were by ...
Seat Weaponiser II [FIXED]
Created by spalumn
SEAT WEAPONISER II IS CREATED BY BFG9000, ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO HIM Before using this version of Seat Weaponiser II, make sure you have unsubscribed from the original Seat Weaponiser II first!!! It has come to my attention that the original addon has broke...
Seat Weaponiser II: Better Vehicle Bullets
Created by spalumn
This is a very small script I made to allow players to shoot out of different types of closed vehicles. I made this because no one else did it before me and Seat Weaponiser II is abandoned. There are no configurable settings. The script does its job by its...
Default HL2 Weapons Reanimations
Created by mtbNTB
A reanimation that barely changes the default HL2 weapons. It has the same amount of frames and timing as the original animations. Oh since this is a replacement, make sure to restart G-Mod, or else it doesn't work. Addons used in video: Black Mesa Gordon ...
Created by Alfarex
A recreation of a real hotel in London, more known as a backrooms image, level 188. The map isn't a perfect recreation of the real place but I used all the references I could to make it as accurate as possible. This map has a few easter eggs you can try to...
Draggable Ragdolls
Created by FireFlail
"KEEP CORPSES" MUST BE ENABLED FOR THIS TO WORK ON DEAD NPCS addon i quickly made for myself that allows ragdolls and corpses to be dragged. only limbs under a certain mass can be grabbed so it's usually limited to arms, legs, and the upper body/head (this...
Shanghai Apartments, China [ttt_jinqiao_rd]
Created by olzhas1one
Requires CSS Content!/需要 CS:S 游戏资产! A TTT map loosely based of a random apartment block in Shanghai, China (Jinqiao Road, to be specific). It featuers around 18 spawns, and no extra rooms or traitor checks. The map has some rudimentary AI nodes in it as we...
Selbyen Seal Playermodel *AND RAGDOLL* ! [Silvia - TF2]
Created by CommieTommy
SILVIA SEAL!!! *UPDATE NOTE* -Her ragdoll exists alongside a broken one (dunno how to delete the other). Search "Selbyen in the spawnmenu" She sits weird and is definitely not perfect :] Check out my other stuff! I do commissions :D THANKYOU FOR 1000 RATIN...
Freddy Fazbear - O Cholera! Czy to Freddy Fazbera?
Created by Skate6788
Model based on popular meme Freddy Fazbear Har Har Har, guffy sounds and trash can that look like Freddy from fnaf. Made in Poland, popularized by TikTok. Model is optimized with lod's and the physical mesh is accurate to the model. Addon doesn't contain a...
Created by chunchengchai
gm_filthy_chinatown is expanded version of my old map named gm_dirty_chinatown. The map is bigger now. Also new rooms were added. Includes version without rain. Doesn't require any content. Tracks: October Tide - Losing Tomorrow Opeth - Madrigal Testers: S...
Malenia | Elden ring [PM]
Created by Eternal Hunger
Please, rate the addon. Original SFM Model - Credits From Software - videogames Kanbara914 on Deviantart - Extraction Making of Playermodel version - NBWizard Reuploading this addon or any o...
NPC Tranquilizer Gun
Created by Aaron
"Zzz..." - A metrocop, mere seconds before getting crushed between the double doors Adds a basic tranquilizer gun SWEP that's able to put down NPCs to sleep. Only works on NPCs and for ones that have a ragdoll or physics for their models. Requests for the ...
Ultimate Nextbots Pack
Created by DJtrix
The best nextbots in one package Here you will find the best nextbots that I have tested in my videos and playing with friends, this pack was made with the purpose of making it easier to find all the popular nextbots in a single addon in this for now inclu...
Created by mobias
A large sandbox map with lots of buildings and alleyways. Features: -AI nodes, air nodes and strider nodes included. -Subway tunnel connecting to airboat tunnel and canal. -Ten enter-able buildings. -Many parking spaces -Dev room beneath the bar that can s...
Created by Artayoo
!! DOES NOT REQUIRE CS:S !! everything is packed in tried my best on optimization here doesnt have some soundscapes for the people that dont have css mounted because i couldnt figure out how to pack them in, sorry also, the map size is 250mb because of all...
[TFA]FlashCut 2(24.3.21update)
Created by YongLi
FlashCut 2 Require TFA Base, please subscribe it before using this addon. type console command "mat_specular 1" to get functioned texture!!! This addon is still has some issues, feel free to send feedback on the comment section. Suggesting use this with sl...
First-Person Body
Created by senior.f1moz
If you want the camera height to adjust to your model, then download this addon: Dynamic Height + Hull Fix Tired of the immersive firstperson? Wanted to see not only the gmod legs, but also the body? Then this addon is for you! Hands are not and will not b...
BLACK (2006) Goons & Operators (Playermodels & NPCs)
Created by Kapitano Krunchyman
Goons and Operators from BLACK (2006) Edited and rigged as playermodels by Kapitano Krunchyman Screenshots and posing by klad and milowyorhi MAKE SURE TO INSTALL AN NPC WEAPON FIX SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING TO ALLOW NPC'S TO USE MORE WEAPONS: (ONLY INSTALL ONE)...
RP Japan
Created by RaveMan
This map is under development, expect problems and changes This map was created for Yufu Kami RP Project Discord: IP: In closed beta Do not reupload it without permission. upd: 26.03.24 added 5 new locations - bamboo forest - ...
Fully Dynamic Animated Blood Mod
Created by GalaxyHighMarshal
I AINT FIXING IT EVERYTIME, I got better stuff to do irl and too busy making a game download required item If blood mod is not working, new Garrys mod update broke mods mods!! ⭐F.D.A.B stands for Fully Dynamic Animated Blood⭐ ⭐Just Sub and it works!⭐ ⭐WORK...
(PM&NPC)Fragments PMC Combine Replacement
Created by YongLi
Fragments PMC Combine Replacement this addon only replace combine models and metro police model, it wont replace any weapon models or effects this mod replace combine soldier and metro police, spawn combine soldier to see the effect npcs'll drop fragments/...
[DrGBase] Lethal Company NPCs
Created by Temy
Welcome to The Company. An addon that adds the creatures from Lethal Company into Garry's Mod. Bracken - Sneaks up on players. - You can discourage it by glancing at it. - Drags corpses away. Bunker Spider - Yep, that's a huge spider, alright. - Was a pain...
Dark Souls 3: Firekeeper (PM&NPC + Ragdoll)
Created by Kerosenn
The Firekeeper from Dark Souls 3 Note that there is some clipping of legs and skirt while moving. Includes: Manteau bodygroup. C-Arms. Ally and enemy npc variants. A ragdoll. Credits: FromSoftware: For creating the original assets and game. Kerosenn: Every...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Experimental
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! These are experimental animations made by wiltOS Technologies. They are reworked animations specifically designed for Garry's Mod taken from various games. Current Inclusions Blade Symphony ( dir...
[wOS] Animation Extension - Blade Symphony
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Blade Symphony integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the ...
BSMod Punch SWEP + Kick & KillMoves
Created by RandomPerson189
==================================================== PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION BEFORE COMMENTING ALL DUMB COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED ==================================================== This is a GMod port of the BSMod fists, it also includes the Ki...
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water - Yuri (PM + Ragdoll)
Created by Taenite
Yuri's standard outfit from Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. Ported by me. Features Playermodel Viewmodel arms Jigglebones on clothes and hair Ragdoll Map used in screenshots:
[wOS] Animation Extension - Age of Chivalry
Created by King David™
YOU NEED THE wOS ANIMATION EXTENSION BASE FOR THIS TO WORK!! This is the Age of Chivalry integrated animation extension. The register for this addon is as follows: wOS.AnimExtension.Mounted I take no credit for the animations, I simply moved it over to the...
The Poolrooms
Created by egglord
If you enjoy my work, consider leaving me a donation! THE POOLROOMS The Poolrooms, based off of the amazing renders by Jared Pike! This is a scenic map, attempting to stick as closely as possible to the original renders, wit...
Created by headcrap
If you like what I do, you can consider donating here: Thanks! THE MAP IS IN THE "OTHER" MAP CATEGORY! ETAZHI I made this map for a garry's mod brutalist architecture map contest. The building in the map (hotel panorama resort lo...
Created by lavrentievich
Strange church with strange folks in a strange town. NO CONTENT NEEDED. Has Navmesh and standard AI nodes. A small map aimed at exploration of its content. May be laggy in some places (im sorry for that). Credits to K.Grox and zhabkin for helping in testin...
Created by Stub@
A Silent Hill 2 inspired atmospheric map with many apartments and places to explore, ENJOY! If map is too bright put brightness to 2.6 in gmod settings UPDATE : - Fixed soundscapes not working SUPPORT : If you like my work, consider supporting me here: htt...
Horde : Wave Survival Gamemode
Created by Gorlami
Offiicial Discord Gamemode Wiki PATREON Official Server (US): Introduction (V1.2.0) Horde is a single/multiplayer PVE gamemode that draws inspiration from Killing Floor. Players progress through killing waves of enemies. It currently ...
SW Bus and Bendy Bus
Created by SligWolf
A bus, articulated bus and bi-articulated bus. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Das Schaf Emperor Zin GMN Mister-M Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon insta...
SW Tank Leopard 2
Created by SligWolf
A Leopard 2 inspired tank. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Karime Klein Timo Das Schaf Amarok Fox Northdegree Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed...
[TFA] AVA Small Arms Pack (Reupload)
Created by -『VRJoJoFan』-
NOTE: This is a reupload of an addon that was removed from the workshop. If the original creator wants this taken down please contact me on my main profile: Also note the fact that 6 of the original images are ...
[simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
Created by Jinxit Original Description from 2016: After a long time i have finally converted my vehicle handling E2 to Lua and decided to share it with everyone. This addon will give you a very new feel of driv...
BbiCOTKA Remastered
Created by shortnamesalex BbiCOTKA, or Visotka. Этот текст был переведен с английского на русский с помощью нескольких веб-приложений. Для некоторых это может выглядеть как настоящий русский. Для других он сломан во всех возможных смыслах. Как бы то ...
[SWEP PACK] Project Zomboid Weapons for Garrys Mod
Created by Cayama0811
Project Zomboid Weapons in Garry's Mod Adds the weapons from Project Zomboid to Garry's Mod Includes Melee Weapons: Firefighter Axe Frying Pan Machete Can push enemies with a right-click Ranged Weapons: M16 JS-2000 MSR788 You can find these weapons in the ...
Demotivator on death.
Created by Mr.Conscript
Script that show overlay and play sound when you dead. (It's not play instant you need to wait a little bit) ConVar: DODA_enabled 1/0 If you liked it, please give it a thumb. ...
gm_sofia AI Nodes and Navmesh
Created by Mememan97A
a mod that, (hopefully) adds AI nodes and a navmesh to gm_sofia. might update ai nodes using nodegraph editor if the method i used didn't work (made a map edit that had ai nodes and used that maps compiled ai nodes as the nodegraph) prob should've realized...
Created by Mark
gm_siberia_transmitter ___ Situation: The year is 2012. You are stationed at a remote Siberian radio transmitting station in the middle of a blizzard/snow storm. Your job is to receive, relay and send radio signals. The station has sufficient supplies and ...
Vman Explosion Effect Fixed Fixed
Created by the
I am not the original author of this mod. I just fixed the problem that some explosion types would not appear What's changed? - Fixed grenade, SLAM and SMG grenade launcher explosions not appearing Why should I use this? - Killer explosion effect. Cool AF ...
Created by Jettan
City 17 if it was realistic. Very small map of an imaginary intersection in downtown Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Fitting for videos, screenshots or if you just like eye candy. VMF and assets pack for editing purposes down below. Gimme a shoutout if you...
Fully functional Combine binoculars
Created by ŕﻉd Viקèŕ گ
Featuring a fully functional remake of the Combine binoculars from Half-Life 2. Instructions You can spawn it from Q menu > Entities > Half-Life 2. Make sure the binoculars are positioned so that the viewfinder is close to your eye level and that nothing i...
Retrievable Ladder Swep
Created by YongLi
it's a ladder swep hold E to retrieve update: shoot, u guys really love ladders press E while crouching or holding down walk key(Left Alt by default) will no longer teleport you to the ladder so you can retrieve the ladder more effectively here are some co...
[simfphys] Road Trip Adventure (Choro Q HG 2) Vehicle Pack
Created by lemy
Requires: simfphys Base Addon ***Update: due to other commitments i have much less free time. i intend to continue updating this pack, but progress will be slow for the forseeable future*** This pack is an assortment of vehicles from the PS2 games ChoroQ H...