Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

469 ratings
'85 Pontiac Parisienne
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9.548 MB
24 Jan @ 11:05am
11 Mar @ 11:57am
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'85 Pontiac Parisienne

In 2 collections by KI5
KI5's vehicle collection
71 items
KI5's temp B42 collection
31 items
More GM b-bodies you say? How about the Pontiac Parisienne, another full size sedan with that hidden rear tire look and some fun parts to customize it. It comes with multiple tire options, roof vinyls, metal and wooden armor and a set of parts that will be shared with other b-body cars. More chassis variants will come in the future, but for now, have fun with the sedan.

Main features:
  • Two tiered armor protection, wood and metal sets
  • Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and windows
  • Visible interior and character (with improved exit/enter/aim animations)
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to craft and find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours (bumpers, bullbar, window armor, roofrack, vinyl roof covers etc)
  • Multiple texture variations
  • Armor protection for windows, doors, engine, headlights etc
  • 4 seats
  • B41 / B42 Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • It can tow and be towed
  • Not recolorable

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)


Check out my vehicle mods:

  • This mod is commission work by request of Gkmatt
  • Thanks to The Indie Stone for making this awesome game and all this possible.
  • Special thanks to bikinihorst for the huge help with code, optimization, and taking care of the multiplayer and part code.

Originally posted by KI5:

Ask for permission
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. If no permission is received you may not alter the mod, and it must be treated as a mod that is 'On Lockdown'. You are not allowed to repack this mod under any circumstances, ever.

Vehicle IDs: 85pontiacParisienneSedan

Workshop ID: 3413706334
Mod ID: 85pontiacParisienne
Popular Discussions View All (2)
5 Feb @ 11:31am
PINNED: B42 Bugs go here
24 Jan @ 12:19pm
PINNED: B41 Bugs go here
Malibu Messiah 1 Feb @ 6:13pm 
Man is pulling a full GM with these rebadge engineering lol love it
LiminalMailman 1 Feb @ 1:14pm 
Question, which mod is it to add the upgrades?
Wex 31 Jan @ 4:39am 
Please. Can you make some British Military armored vehicles\tank? I'm very bad in making any of this type modification, but extremely need some. :steamfacepalm:
j.cummings.017 30 Jan @ 6:29pm 
This was my first car!!!!
SDgamer 30 Jan @ 1:46pm 

Only since welding is a massive pain right now and i don't know where take request, can you please add Wooden Armor like in your Geo Metro mod to your current and future Car mods please? Also even though I request the maker of Autotsar to do this, can you also make it where we can attach Backpacks to both sides of your Motorcycle mods please? While not the best of movies, one of the old Live-Action Resident Evil movies had a few moments where one of the gals who had a motorcycle attached two backpacks to her motorcycle (1 on each side)
Archangel 29 Jan @ 11:26pm 
Can you please do a classic 91 chevy gladiator van
Da Gundam Boy 29 Jan @ 10:19pm 
Another awesome car addition. Could you please do a Hyundai Veloster? It was my first car and would love to have it with me in the zombie apocalypse.
尺ę✔ổḼµナ1ọŊ 29 Jan @ 4:16am 
Чем-то "Волгу" напомнило
Krampus 28 Jan @ 4:45pm 
how much for a commission to do a vehicle
KI5  [author] 28 Jan @ 6:30am 
@Blackshot yeah sure, reskins with script changes are ok, if you really want to keep them future proof, you can do it with damn lib without need for scripts, look for recent reskin mods, i don't really remember the names, but a lot of people have examples of it