

49 ratings
Medieval Fantasy Psycaster Raids
Mod, 1.5
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1.810 MB
24 Jan @ 12:22pm
31 Jan @ 12:12pm
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Medieval Fantasy Psycaster Raids

As someone who always enjoyed the amazing Vanilla Psycasts Expanded paths over Rimworld of Magic, I was bothered by the lack of psycasters in medieval factions, especially when re-flavored into traditional fantasy classes using mods like the RPG Adventure Pack. After a bit of experimenting with the XML files, I made this personal patch and decided to upload it for the benefit of other Medieval Fantasy VPE enjoyers.

This patch adds VPE's psycaster raids for factions from Medieval Overhaul, Medieval Overhaul: Royalty, House Roxmont, House Sanguin, Divine Order, and The Profaned. PawnKinds are themed based on my own personal re-theme, but should fit with any generic fantasy setting. Some factions have a wider range of psycasters available than others, and I generally tried to make factions somewhat unique, even if its just a difference in spawn rates.

Each faction should have a general psycaster raid and a melee-only raid option.


Biotech: the tribal factions (Neanderthal and Impid) added by the Biotech DLC have been given Conflagrator, Frostshaper, Staticlord, and Wildshaper psycasters. Neanderthals are more likely to spawn with Frostshapers, while Impids are more likely to spawn with Conflagrators.

Medieval Overhaul and House Roxmont: each of the four factions included in Medieval Overhaul and House Roxmont have been given Conflagrator, Frostshaper, Staticlord, Protector and Warlord psycasters. Each House has slightly different weights to make raids more unique.

Medieval Overhaul Royalty: the Shattered Empire has been given Archotechist, Conflagrator, Frostshaper, Staticlord, Protector and Warlord psycasters to raid those who oppose the High Stellarch.

House Sanguin: the wicked knights of House Sanguin have been given Frostshaper, Archotechist, Hemosage and Warlord psycasters. Beware the Sanguophage.

Divine Order: the Order has been given Archotechist, Conflagrator, Staticlord, Protector and Warlord psycasters to purge the unworthy. Some higher-ranking pawns have also been given psycasts to make for even more fearsome opponents.

The Profaned: the legions of undeath have been given Archotechist, Frostshaper, Necropath and Warlord psycasters. The chief necromancer and his scourge lords have been granted unusual psycasting ability.

Compatibility and Issues

This patch should be compatible with anything. I don't use CE so I have no idea if there are conflicts.

I am open to feedback, especially on the topic of balancing. If you feel that a raid is unbalanced, leave a comment with the faction and type of raid (ranged/melee). I am not a modder (until now, I guess), so please be patient with updates and issues as they arise.


None of the Faction mods or VPE are my own work. They and their dependencies are required for their respective parts of the mod to function. If you would like to use or modify anything from this mod, feel free. You are more than welcome to use these files to create patches for other factions, as I doubt I will add patches for other faction mods.
Waffleman  [author] 16 Mar @ 3:30pm 
I'll work on making an update to patch the VE Medieval Factions. College coursework takes up most of my time, so it may be a while before I can release the update.
Low Level Looters 14 Mar @ 3:11pm 
any plans to patch this with the recently released Vanilla Expanded: Medieval 2 factions?
Waffleman  [author] 31 Jan @ 8:35am 
@ProfessorMC6477 That is a good point, in my game I had them reskinned as devil-worshippers, but I’ll make the switch for the steam version. Unfortunately I haven’t figured out a way to force pawns to spawn as sanguophages to use the Hemosage path. Update should be out later today.
ProfessorMC6477 30 Jan @ 5:28pm 
Why the faction of pyrophobic tinderskinned vampires use fire magic?
Waffleman  [author] 29 Jan @ 9:49am 
@HBA There is not an option to disable spawns at the moment. I just started modding so I'll look into adding mod options in the future as I get more experienced.
MaxTRU 29 Jan @ 3:14am 
Amazing! Thank you for this mod
HBA 28 Jan @ 11:26pm 
Is there an option to disable psycaster spawn for each faction?
turkler 24 Jan @ 7:59pm 
ooo thank you
Waffleman  [author] 24 Jan @ 7:37pm 
The AI uses Conflagrator, Frostshaper, Staticlord, Archotechist, Protector, Wildshaper, and Warlord. Many of the other trees don’t have meaningful casts for the AI. Not all factions use all available trees, for example, Profaned only uses Frostshaper, Archotechist, and Warlord.
turkler 24 Jan @ 4:13pm 
which psycasting trees can the ai use?