Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Warhammer 40k DoW NightLord Models
Type: Objects
Complexity: Low Complexity
Assets: Figurines, Props
File Size
1.113 MB
24 Jan @ 5:50pm
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Warhammer 40k DoW NightLord Models

Me and my boyfriend Brendan worked quite a lot on ripping these models and texturing them properly. Some models were gathered from other workshop mods, however, the vast majority I ripped from Dawn of War Soulstorm. Some models are kitbashed as well. I have provided a few weapon models as well in case you want you kitbash your own. Most models were kitbashed to some degree, so if you want a model to have a different weapon combo just use the f6 tool to rework it. Some weren't kitbashed, however, so this may not work for every model. There are still a lot of models that I did not rip, not just from the NightLords but other factions that nobody seems to have done yet if that interests anyone. Please comment if you want me to look into ripping other models or even other factions. This took a lot of time and I had to learn a fair bit about Blender that I didn't know before but I had a lot of fun with the process!
BoopN00dle 20 Feb @ 1:34pm 
FYI the vehicles are quite oversized - about double their actual size
Dawniechi  [author] 6 Feb @ 8:00pm 
Just uploaded Trazyn to his own mod. Having some difficulties with detailing that I can fix sometime in the future.
Archon Dagoth 31 Jan @ 10:44am 
Can you do Trazyn from the DoW mod?
Dawniechi  [author] 25 Jan @ 3:25pm 
Also, I am on my last year of my Master's degree in college, so it will be a fair bit of time for me to work on/complete future mods.
Dawniechi  [author] 25 Jan @ 3:24pm 
Hey Slim, I had to re-upload this mod so I apologize that your prior comment got deleted. I am very interested in doing some Death Guard models at some point from DoW or potentially another game if there are better models. I have recently learned how to get models from Gladius for instance but am still learning that. As for helping out, I'd like to work on models with just me and my partner, however, if there are any models from these games you are interested in specifically it may get higher priority.
SlimGinger 25 Jan @ 12:06pm 
I am very interested in some Death Guard and World Bearer models being done next and would even be interested in helping out
Traven12 25 Jan @ 2:29am 
Thank you for your work, I would like to see even more models.