70 ratings
Type: Mod
Mod Type: Sound, Vehicle
File Size
206.337 MB
25 Jan @ 12:38am
21 Mar @ 10:13pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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CSK131 Armored Assault Vehicle
Dongfeng Mengshi 2nd Generation Assault Vehicle

6 seats
600 inventory
Can insert:
1 Barrel
1 jerry can
1 Seachest
1 wooden crate
1 backpack
1 Pickaxe
1 Shovel
1 Sledgehammer

Completely free to use

For changes to durability, speed, appearance, etc., please refer to for external reference modifications.

This is the first car that I have truly made. There are inevitably many problems with it. If you are an expert in this field, I sincerely welcome you to help me optimize this car.

You are NOT allowed to repack or reupload this mod or its contents
Copyright 2025 [Alpace] This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Alpace
Special thanks to 夏长野,,,,,科科,explorer,LKZ,RUSForma,RaG for all their help.

If you like this mod, please don't be stingy with your thumbs up.

Mod mounting method:
Copy this mod to the root directory of your server
Copy the keys folder in the mod folder to the root directory of the server
Copy the mod folder name to your START.bat
any careless steps will cause your server to restart indefinitely.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
24 Feb @ 7:41am
types and others
Alpace  [author] 16 Mar @ 8:47pm 
Sorry, mate. I haven't encountered the situation you mentioned. I suggest you join my Discord and elaborate on the details of the matter.@Crackpot
Crackpot 16 Mar @ 8:23am 
Hello Alpace, This vehicle was one of the best until recent updates you made. Now the brakes are next to useless and it keeps using up Spark plugs like sweets. Yes this is partly a fault with my driving but I never used to have to worry about these things. I will possibly be going back to the old Zil by Gerphilius
Alpace  [author] 10 Mar @ 12:24am 
任何形式的重新打包都是不允许的,我只希望在所有搭载该 Mod 的服务器修改模块列表中显示本mod。感谢您反馈的宝贵建议,后续更新优化时,我们将重点关注此问题并予以修复@Сёмка
Сёмка 9 Mar @ 9:31pm 
Хорошая машина, но есть проблема с передними фарами, источник света привязан не к тем точкам. Разрешена ли переупаковка и доработка?( лайк поставил, ссылки на мод буду указывать)
Alpace  [author] 22 Feb @ 4:53am 
You can test it by standing on the car hood, approximately behind the bumper. After I finish handling real-world tasks, I'll try to expand the gemotry@Pandapool27
Pandapool27 21 Feb @ 7:49pm 
i replace the radiator, how can i refill this one with water? ands tnxs for help
Alpace  [author] 1 Feb @ 7:29am 
Thank you for your feedback, I will take suggestions and think about how to solve bugs after the trip@Lacusst @Mataskurk @CJB
xSBGx Beast 31 Jan @ 11:00am 
tried making the types in a discussion thread but gives an error. if anyone may need it or does not know how to do it you can create it easily using the provided classnames and by swapping the name of each item inside another types as a base. great work also. love the vehicle
CJB 31 Jan @ 2:48am 
It handles well and looks great. The vehicles shakes a bit much and the rpms are too high. You might think about making the vehicle automatic, you can easily go through all the gears immediately and start out in 5th gear anyway. It handles hills and low obstacles with ease. Maybe include the required files- types, spawnable types etc. you have to make them anyway. Overall great job. Look forward to future improvements.
Mataskurk 29 Jan @ 10:47pm 
This is a great mod. Congratulations on your first one! I have a piece of feedback. The brakepressure needs to be lowered. This applies to almost all mod cars since the 1.19 update. Now, when braking the wheels lock up completely. I would rather have it brake slowly than the wheels locking up which makes it harder to turn and drive.