45 ratings
Type: Mod
Mod Type: Mechanics, Props
File Size
15.022 MB
25 Jan @ 5:38am
19 Feb @ 2:00am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Wheel of Fortune:

A beautiful way to treat players (if luck is on their side) with bonuses.

The object **ZFFortuneWheel** can be placed anywhere you need using **ObjectBuilder**, for example.

How it works:
The player uses the **"Try Your Luck"** action, after which the wheel spins for a certain amount of time, gradually slowing down until it comes to a complete stop. The arrow then determines a number, the player receives a notification about the result, and a random item corresponding to the rolled category is awarded.

There is **sound accompaniment** (clicking sounds slowing down with the rotation, music during spinning, a sound signal when the category is determined, and a unique sound for the rarest **"Mega Prize"** category (the rarest since it appears on the wheel only **once**, unlike other categories)).
During the spin, **lights illuminate and blink**, and in the case of a **"Mega Prize"**, the **top lights will additionally blink**. The wheel itself has **glowing visual effects**, making it look beautiful and useful in the dark.

You can add **multiple items to each category**, specify **exact or random** amounts, as well as **exact or random** quantity for each item.

Example configuration:
"2": [ { "itemName": "ACOGOptic", - class name "countRange": [], - minimum, maximum. If left empty, it defaults to 1. "quantityRange": [] - minimum, maximum. Can be left empty. "attachments": [] - array of attachments for the item. }, { - For example, if this category is rolled and this item is selected, the player will receive from 1 to 4 magazines, each with between 5 and 30 rounds. "itemName": "Mag_AK101_30Rnd", "countRange": [ 1, 4 ], "quantityRange": [ 5, 30 ] } ]

Adding attachments to items:
{ "itemName": "AK101", "countRange": [], "quantityRange": [], "attachments": [ "Mag_AK101_30Rnd", "KashtanOptic" ] }

You can also **add vehicles** as rewards – for this, you need to **specify spawn coordinates** in the configuration (parameter **positionForCarSpawn**).

The configuration file will be created upon the first **server launch** with the mod, located in your profile folder:
**ZFFortuneWheel → config.json**
Here, you can configure **rewards for each category**, specify **spawn coordinates for vehicles**, and set a **cooldown (in hours) between spins** for players.

**Repacking into your mod pack is prohibited.**
Popular Discussions View All (1)
26 Jan @ 4:03am
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𝒦𝒴𝐵𝒰𝒦 3 minutes ago 
и вопрос.. нельзя ли добавить таймер ui на экран после прокрута, чтобы игроки удалённо могли знать сколько им осталось до следующего прокрута..

Я бы мог и сам это сделать, но вы запретили перепаковывать ваш мод..
𝒦𝒴𝐵𝒰𝒦 5 minutes ago 
У вас проблема с колесом, не показывает таймер когда можно крутить снова..
Cpt.SaveAho420 1 Feb @ 5:23am 
how can i change the sound or turn it off ?
zfbubusik  [author] 29 Jan @ 1:42pm 
waifu cards? wtf
zfbubusik  [author] 28 Jan @ 7:32am 
Мне известно о проблеме связанной с повторяющимся звуком. Она будет исправлена в ближайшее время.

I am aware of the issue with the repeating sound. It will be fixed soon.

Solo_User 27 Jan @ 3:17pm 
Wasn't this all in English just a min ago?
K F C 27 Jan @ 3:16am 
@scottd can't repack
Ishtar 26 Jan @ 4:19am 
Thanks :)
zfbubusik  [author] 26 Jan @ 3:58am 
5 hours
Ishtar 26 Jan @ 3:06am 
Hi! Nice mod. How much time is "timeBetweenSpin": 5.0"? Thanks :)