鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

鬼谷八荒 Tale of Immortal

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Heavenly Squash(palm buff)
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25 Jan @ 2:46pm
5 Mar @ 6:11am
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Heavenly Squash(palm buff)

Palm Buff Mode

Rainbow Palm
Range (cast range) 350 -> 400
palm size 240(start)~300(end) (it was 120~184)
Comprehend option palm size increased by 1.5x

Cloudshift Palm
Buff size 100-> 160

Palm Wind
buff cast% (1-> 2, comprehend option x2)
buff range (240 -> 450)

Cold Divine Light
buff stun duration (5 -> 7.5)

Dipper Tail Footwork
buff duration ( 5 -> 7)
Sicat  [author] 7 Mar @ 8:05am 

모드 설명만 안바꿔서 착각할 수 있습니다.
실제 내용은 바뀌었습니다.
줄수가 짧다보니 용량이 같아보이는 것같습니다.
복호화 해보시면 알겁니다
exclude2000 5 Mar @ 3:54pm 
1.0.0 버전 그대로인거 같네요. 모든 파일이 완벽하게 구버전이랑 똒같음
Plebeian Kilo 4 Mar @ 10:09pm 
Also just a heads up, your mod doesn't have "tags" like Enlgish etc, so it may be harder to find for other people. And as a last request, if you ever took a crack at making finger skills more fun, :steamthumbsup:
Plebeian Kilo 4 Mar @ 9:41pm 
Love the work! If you ever make brand new skills, I vote for a single giant heavenly palm (like the web toons)
Sicat  [author] 19 Feb @ 6:50am 
경홍장 비급들 여러개 보시면 그 중에 손바닥 크기를 늘려주는 옵션이 있는 비급이 있습니다
혹은 천도 제호보전을 사용하면 나올 겁니다
blairwin 18 Feb @ 11:12am 
안녕하세요 좋은 모드 잘 쓰고 있습니다. 궁금한게 하나 있는데 경홍장 옵션중에 손바닥크기 1.5배가 새로 생긴건가요? 전 찾아봐도 안보여서...
Sicat  [author] 12 Feb @ 10:42am 
Of course, already im testing

some changes will comming soon
Plebeian Kilo 11 Feb @ 10:53am 
Is it possible to make it start small and increase in size as skill increases?