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Spongie's Character Customisation
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25 Jan @ 4:17pm
4 Mar @ 8:57am
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Spongie's Character Customisation

In 2 collections by spongie
Spongie Cool Mods
7 items
Character Customisation Addons
9 items
Adds a new menu to character creation with more customisation options
This is a framework for mods that is intended to feel as vanilla as possible.

Supported by Spongie's Character Retexture - Adds 12 new face options

Supports B41 and B42. Works in multiplayer
Should be loaded after any mods that add new body locations.
Needs to be loaded after the Tattoo Parlour mod.

Enabling retextures that use this mod requires a restart.

  • Select different face textures

  • Add details to your character

  • Works on all skintones

  • Visible muscles depending on strength level. Can be changed in sandbox settings

  • Replaces chest hair with body hair for both body types. Now separate from the body texture

  • Replaces stubble. Now has a different texture for darker skintones

  • Stubble and body hair grow in-game and can be shaved. Can be changed in sandbox settings

  • Mod Support

  • Base mod - Framework, doesn't add any customisation options

  • Vanilla Faces Pack - Adds 4 male and 4 female faces. Only supports the vanilla body textures

  • Details Pack - Adds 37 details including: freckles, moles, scars, burns, and missing eyes.
    Missing eyes also affect the players vision in B42 (sandbox option)

  • Details Pack HD Textures - 512x512 textures for the Details Pack.
    Do not use this with the vanilla body textures or any retextures that are 256x256 or it will cause seams.

Works in existing saves
Joining a game with a character from before the mod was added will open the character customisation window.

Stubble and chest hair will automatically be converted.

Change Customisation In-Game
There is a sandbox option to allow players to open the customisation window and change their face or details in-game.

The buttons to change your appearance and body hair are in the character info panel.

Sandbox Options
Admins are always able to change their appearance, but they can spawn an Appearance Changing Spiffo item which gives this ability to players when held.

There is also a sandbox option to hide customisation options with specific categories from normal players. Admins can spawn an Appearance Unlocking Bear item which will unhide these options when held.

Body hair growth and visible muscles can be enabled or disabled - but there is also an option where players can toggle them on their character from the customisation window.

There is also the option to set if missing eyes will affect the players vision cone. This is exclusive to B42

Mod Support
I've tried my best to make character customisation as moddable as possible - new faces and details can be easily inserted into the mod.

The body hair textures used in this mod will cut off at the underwear which will look broken when using a nude mod.

I have included nude versions of the body hair textures that you can freely use. There are 256 and 512 resolution files.

You can add any clothing item as a face or detail option as long as they use an appropriate bodylocation that won't collide with other items.

You can also add fullbody textures but they will appear above muscles.

All of the functionality for getting and setting a characters customisation is accessible which should hopefully make it easy to add support for NPC mods.

See the readme and Example.lua for an explanation of the mods features

  • Makeup

  • Hopefully any cosmetic mod

  • Any remodel mods

  • Any retexture that includes replacement textures for this mod

    You can disable muscles in sandbox settings if the retexture you are using does not support it

    Nude mods will need to replace the body hair textures to avoid it cutting off at the underwear line

  • Improved Hair Menu

  • Bigger Character Avatars - Recommended

  • Some clothing mods might cause transparency issues with customisation. This is caused by having a broken masks folder that is missing textures for bodyparts. To fix this you can copy the missing textures into the masks folder from media\textures\Body\Masks

  • Mods that access the players clothing without doing any extra checks on the items will cause weird side effects

    Starving Zombies checks the blood of all clothing items, including customisation, so having a non-default face selected will make zombies twice as attracted to the player

    One way for modders to avoid this problem should be to ignore items that have "MaleBody" as the display category or to ignore items that have no display name

  • Mods that affect stubble or chest hair will probably cause errors (Ras' Body Mod, Reorganised Info Screen, etc)

  • Reorganised Info Screen

  • Dynamic Body should probably work fine if you disable visible muscles

  • Retextures that replace the chest hair textures with new skins won't be accessible because vanilla chest hair is replaced with a separate texture

Known issues
  • Having too many traits active may cause the info screen to break because of how small it is. You'll need to use Bigger Character Avatars to fix this

  • Some details are stretched on the female model, this is impossible to fix

  • Scars look too bright on darker skintones

  • No controller support. Might try and add at some point but it's too much of a nightmare to figure out

Not adding
  • Tabs for facial features like eye colours, noses, etc. It doesn't fit my vision for the mod and it would take too much effort to add now

  • Tattoos. There's already a tattoo mod

  • Body shapes are impossible to add stop asking

  • Nude options. There are already like a million mods adding nude versions of the vanilla textures

I had to take a lot of code from Improved Hair Menu by duckduckquak to make this mod work.

Studying the code from the Furry mod by Jaql and Wuffwick as well as Ra's Body Mod helped me make this mod, but I haven't used any of their code.


Workshop ID: 3414634809
Mod ID: SpnCharCustom
Mod ID: SpnCharCustomDetails
Mod ID: SpnCharCustomDetailsHD
Mod ID: SpnCharCustomFaces
Popular Discussions View All (6)
22 hours ago
PINNED: Bug Reports
15 Mar @ 10:07am
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4 Mar @ 10:54am
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Lordecalibre 15 Mar @ 3:30pm 
makes the game crash
CaptaiN 15 Mar @ 10:02am 
I have a problem with the scars. As soon as I choose a profession as a policeman or veteran, the scars become bright, but by choosing another profession they become normal. Is there any way to fix this?
Il Mazzulatoro 14 Mar @ 5:54am 
Anyone knows why I can't shave the stubble and how to solve the problem? It's pretty annoying. I didn't select it at character creation
Sinatra 12 Mar @ 1:52pm 
The menu works but in game the customization doesn't show up
Hmmz1080 12 Mar @ 6:13am 
Hey, is it possible to change vanilla character details in-game instead of only having the customization window ? (haircut, beard, etc.) ?
Kisori 11 Mar @ 7:39pm 
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but I cannot get this mod to work. I've restarted the game, restarted steam, re-subscribed to the mod, and yet nothing works. I've even tried running the game with just the mod enabled and it isn't working. I'm clearly doing something incorrectly :/
Choko 11 Mar @ 1:28pm 
Hi Spongie! I'd like to know if there's a guide on how to adapt or make compatible textures from other mods. I really like "[B41/42] Simple Overhaul: Character Retextures" but the body part replacement is a bit tricky. Is it very difficult to create an adaptation for this? Thanks! I hope you can point me in the right direction
Birget 6 Mar @ 8:39am 
@spongie glad to know thats not on my side. thanks!
spongie  [author] 6 Mar @ 8:37am 
The new zomboid update broke tickboxes I think
Birget 6 Mar @ 8:31am 
@spongie hello. I can't enable bodyhair in character creation menu B42. No other mods enabled. Tried to resub to the mod and it changed nothing. Is this problem on my side or patch broke something? Before patch it worked fine