

112 ratings
Folding Skateboard
Mod, 1.5
File Size
1.123 MB
25 Jan @ 5:57pm
29 Jan @ 9:50am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Folding Skateboard

A skateboard that boosts pawn movement speed while in use and conveniently folds up and straps to their back when they aren't shredding the gnar.

I’ll apologize in advance—I’m about to sound just like your mom: no riding your skateboard in the house. Skateboards can only be used outdoors on appropriate surfaces.

New Item: Folding Skateboard
  • Add the folding skateboard to a pawn’s inventory, and they will automatically equip it when on outdoor hard surfaces, gaining a movement speed of 2.0. When not in use, it will automatically strap to their back.

How It Works:
  • Unlock after completing Smithing research.
  • Craft at a crafting spot, fueled smithy, or electric smithy.
  • Costs 10 wood, 10 steel, and 30 metallic, stony, or woody materials.
  • Add the folding skateboard to a pawn’s inventory.
  • The pawn's existing speed traits will be temporarily replaced with the "Shredder" trait (+2.0 movement speed) while using the skateboard. Their original speed traits will be restored when the skateboard is not in use.
  • Restricted to outdoor hard surfaces only.

Compatibility: RimWorld 1.5+
Mod Conflicts: None known.
ProfileName 20 Mar @ 11:23am 
I can see potential incompatibility with anything involving the term "aggressively upgraded."
Great mod, though!
FarmerThreePunch 15 Mar @ 2:51am 
Great mod, is it carried as equipment on the body? Will it conflict with equipment.
scionic21 7 Mar @ 10:48pm 
I wanna play more vanilla but this....lol I cant resist
SilkCircuit  [author] 7 Mar @ 9:53pm 
@NeatWolf - I love the re-skins, what a neat idea. Appreciate you. Will keep you updated if I do end up adding the additional skateboard skins, no promises, but that would be dope.
NeatWolf 7 Mar @ 2:17am 
Ooooh, I'm loving this!
I'm guessing re-skins of the skateboards are also possible (rollerblades, maybe Segways?)
Ideas: variants: rollerblades, segways, hoverboards (no terrain limitation). all with different speeds.
...also to cover different tech eras :P

I believe using those should be "fun" - maybe the recreation need is frozen while using it.
Or, to balance things: it gives a tiny boost in recreation BUT from time to time they fell and get bruises?
Mir0ki [TH] 1 Feb @ 3:38am 
Hi, it looks like the skateboard doesn't work outside if the outside area is underneath the roof even if it's hard surface. (I tend to extend 2 squares of roof beyond the base wall) Would you be willing to look into it? or perhaps make it an option.
TotalNewbie 29 Jan @ 8:35pm 
Can this be used as recreation for funnies
MtVagon 29 Jan @ 6:29pm 
mod's blowing up thanks to reddit! Deserved
Onryo 29 Jan @ 6:28pm 
@SilkCircuit - tested, floor works perfectly, many thanks!
However they still stubbornly unload boards upon returning from caravan. Tried with 3 different caravans (go away for 1 tile, go back), added and readded boards into inventory, vanilla and modded materials ffrom which boards are made - they still drop em along with other stuff they gathered while moving
SilkCircuit  [author] 29 Jan @ 9:53am 
@Onryo - I've updated the mod to be compatible with the floors from the LTS Furnish mod—your pawns should now be able to use skateboards on those surfaces, as long as they are not indoors. I also made an update so that if a pawn has a skateboard in their inventory when returning from a caravan, they will not automatically drop it upon entry. Thanks for the feedback—let me know your thoughts.