Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Baba's Extended Timeline Tweaks
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25 Jan @ 6:33pm
18 Feb @ 7:08am
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Baba's Extended Timeline Tweaks

Baba's ET Tweaks is a mod involving a combination of various changes to the ET mod that allow for a specific method of playing a mega campaign. This mod is designed to be played from January 1st 2A.D. until you accomplish a world conquest. The exact changes made are :

1. Added a bookmark with a shattered version of the world.
2. Added harsher punishments for playing wide for the first ~1000 years, when you reach certain technology levels the debuffs will lessen in intensity, the admin tech levels required are : 6, 9, 13, 16, 18, 20, 25, 29, 32, 36. NOTE: these tech levels are ~100 years apart.
3. Added minor buffs for playing tall, for one of the buffs related to total development if you have at least 50 provinces and 1000 development then you get a minor bonus which can negate one level of the playing wide debuff. having at least 100 provinces and 10000 development gives a somewhat better buff which can negate two levels of the playing wide debuff. Additionally, there are modifiers for each province that you can get if you have a total of 500 development for the nation, and 10 development in one category in a provence (eg. 10 base tax) this applies for all 3 development types in a province (base tax, base production, base manpower) and you get buffs for that province that correspond to that development type. Additionally, if you have 1000 development for the nation, 60 development in a single province, and all three depelopment type bonuses (tax bonus, production bonus, manpower bonus) then you can get another bonus that improves all three at once and then some. NOTE: for the province improvement bonuses, they cost monarch power and money, and will appear as decisions.
4. Modified the event punishment from ET for being above a certain level of development, if you don't have admin tech 10 then you can have a maximum of 119 development in a province, if you have between 10 and 14 development then you can have up to 240 for provinces that don't have a center of trade, those that have a lvl 1 center of trade can have up to 120, while lvl 2 can have up to 160. Once you have admin tech 15 you don't have to worry about plagues or famines ever again.
5. Added special formable nations (2 as of now) which are :
a. Holy Britannia (Code Geass) [Britain]
b. Vaterland (Youjo Senki) [Prussia]
6. Added a ~1% chance for a great or mythic conquer to spawn for AI nations when they get a new monarch, these conquerer types make the game more interesting, and they are based off of the great and mythical conquerers of the Doge Shattered mod.

Please Note: This mod can only be played if you are also playing with the Extended Timeline mod.

Future Plans :
Add more formables, particularly:
Sindria (Magi)
Fuso (Strike Witches)
Litusia (head cannon combined France and Iberia)
Carthage (Oversimplified)
Pars (The Heroic Legend Of Arslan)
Dragon Empery (Azur Lane)

If you have suggestions or find any bugs, report them on my discord server :
ShadowCaster76 20 Mar @ 11:28pm 
I'm looking forward to the custom nations
Foxwood3 31 Jan @ 6:28am 