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Unlimited Capture Pods!
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25 Jan @ 9:04pm
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Unlimited Capture Pods!

Do you want to be the very best, like no one ever was?
Did you feel bad about orphaning all the Poptops and want to let them all come adventure with you?
Do you have trouble picking a favourite pet?
With this mod, all your problems are solved! The capture pod limit has been removed, letting you summon as many creatures as your inventory can hold!

When I started looking into this, I figured someone must have made a mod like this already. Though despite plenty of people on Reddit asking for a way to remove the capture pod limit, I couldn’t find a simple, lightweight mod that actually did this. The only options I found were massive overhaul mods that included changing the limit as a side feature, or mods that added entirely new items for extra pets. I decided to bite the bullet and make it myself, and from my testing it works perfectly. It *shouldn't* interfere with other mods, but if you notice any bugs or incompatibilities (or just have a request like setting a limit), please let me know!

Shout out goes to Elsen Rykker's mod Pandora's Box, which helped me figure out how the game handles the capture pod mechanics!
X The Avali 25 Feb @ 6:26am 
im going to capture the strongest creatures and destroy uniwerse thanks to this mod :)
Redstark Magnusson 7 Feb @ 3:40am 
Oh just the one apparently. "optName()" is missing on your end. Thanks for responding, and that is all.
Griff the Bun  [author] 6 Feb @ 5:53pm 
I didn't intentionally remove anything vanilla, if there's any functions that accidentally got chopped, let me know what needs to be put back and I'll gladly fix it ^^
Redstark Magnusson 5 Feb @ 2:56am 
Greetings, your mod replaces the Vanilla capturable script while also removing some existing elements that are used in other mods and scripts, causing a couple issues. Is their removal vital or merely accidental?
Naii Starwing 2 Feb @ 3:37pm 
I'm going to annoy the universe with my army of Hoppers.
Lagat 30 Jan @ 8:00am 
if it works, it would be nice, or as a separate mod marked "fix".
Griff the Bun  [author] 30 Jan @ 7:43am 
I could most likely make a variant of the mod that can capture creatures at full health!
Lagat 30 Jan @ 2:35am 
You're a hero, yes, but your mod removes the possibility of capture without damage from capture capsules.
Falzehboy 29 Jan @ 6:00pm 
It's really the lil things like this that keep me loving this game. Well done.
But you, my friend, you are real HERO