Arma 3
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Precision strike package
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26 Jan @ 10:39pm
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Precision strike package

In 1 collection by Condasoft
Arma 3 Script Collection
22 items
This package contains two different ways of destroying the enemy, the first option is a fire and forget option which just launches the cruise missile at where ever you are aiming, however it's slightly inaccurate.

The second option is more precise it is gives you full control of the cruise missile like a predator missile strike in call of duty, to use it you open the map ALT + LMB click where you want it to go.

If using in editor it's worth remembering that left alt clicking anywhere on the map will likely teleport you to that location.

You can configure the speed, height, and distance settings for the cruise missile in the init however it should be good to go with it's current settings, it might need tweaking if you play on maps with unusual terrain heights but I am not sure.
Condasoft  [author] 27 Jan @ 11:30pm 
@Jack sometimes good people do bad things.
Jack Ruby 27 Jan @ 6:53pm 
i will use this power only for good
Condasoft  [author] 27 Jan @ 4:44am 
@onestar no probs enjoy mate
onestar 27 Jan @ 2:35am 
Thanks for the useful compositions! These are great because the usual zeus enhanced modules are useless for any singleplayer/coop missions (require mod dependencies..). Thanks again!