Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

45 ratings
SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Type: Game
Game Category: Board Games, Thematic Games
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4
Play Time: 120 minutes
Language: English, German
File Size
701.652 KB
27 Jan @ 4:43am
5 Feb @ 3:45am
68 Change Notes ( view )

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SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence


SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

In SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a eurogame for 1–4 players, you lead a scientific institution tasked with searching for traces of life beyond planet Earth. The game draws inspiration from current or emerging technologies and efforts in space exploration.

Players will explore nearby planets and their moons by launching probes from Earth while taking advantage of ever-shifting planetary positions. Decide whether to land on their surface to collect valuable samples, or stay in orbit for a broader survey. Additionally, by directing your telescopes to gaze into distant star systems, you may detect traces of alien signals or undiscovered exoplanets, and collect promising data to examine and study back home.

Back on Earth, you can invest in upgrading your equipment so you can analyze incoming data more efficiently, boost your telescope signal capacity, or increase your supply of resources—all to expand the scope of your search that could lead to a discovery of extraterrestrial life forms.

You will also make use of over 200 cards to aid your efforts or focus your research in a particular direction for additional bonuses and rewards. Each card has unique effects and illustrations and depicts real-life technologies, projects, and discoveries (like the ISS, Large Hadron Collider, Perseverance rover, Voyager probe, and many more).

Finding traces of extraterrestrial life is only a matter of time—utilize the resources you have at your disposal strategically and you may well end up being the one to make the biggest scientific contribution towards advancing our understanding of alien life within our galaxy.

SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence pays homage to space and planetary exploration, astronomy, the ongoing search for signs of life in the vastness of space, and efforts to understand the nature of life in the universe.

—description from the publisher


I do not own the rights to this game.
If the publisher decides to remove this game from the TTS workshop, I will comply and remove it from the Steam TTS Workshop.

Big thank you to the mod contributors daeng* and Twirlp, who scanned the assets.
Also big thanks to Eldin, who wrote the code for the Solar System.
Would not be possible without them!

Enjoy the mod? Please hit the 'Like' button! :)
yc2nqle3 4 hours ago 
Oh I was just about to point out how the solar system always shuffles on load XD While that's great when you're loading it up for a new game, that does mean if you save and reload it later, the solar system layout will be completely different.
Rebe  [author] 11 hours ago 

Yes, the script shuffles the solar system randomly on load. I think it might be better to include that in the setup script, so one has to manually activate the shuffling, instead of it being a automatic trigger on load. I'll add that to the list of upcoming changes.


That is correct, so far there's situations in which a probe should behave differently. I didn't clarify that in the notes, I should do that. The script needs to be tweaked in order to function according to rules. I hope I can fix this in the near future.
dam1ch 12 hours ago 
I have a feeling that the script with the disks is not working correctly.
The scroll mechanism itself works correctly, but the probes can move forward when according to the rules they should remain in place.
BodgeAttack 22 hours ago 
I noticed that the rotation state of the solar system isn't maintained when you load a save so the planets are in different locations if you don't complete a game in one session.
米多克Midork 5 Feb @ 4:48pm 
There should be 6 snap points on the computer row,not 4
Rebe  [author] 5 Feb @ 11:52am 
Will apply all of your suggestions. Thanks!
Azurite 5 Feb @ 11:43am 
The probes are a bit too big. I'd consider lowering their size to be 0.034, this way they fit nicely into the planet slots on the board. I'd also lower the markers to 0.35 so they also fit properly into the sockets.

I'd also consider positioning the players' hands a bit further back so they have some space to put their mission cards below their personal boards. And also some snap points on the computer upgrades would be nice but I believe you're already working on that.
Rebe  [author] 5 Feb @ 10:30am 
Of course. Shoot 'em.
Azurite 5 Feb @ 8:22am 
Are you accepting suggestions?
Rebe  [author] 5 Feb @ 3:47am 
Missing card added.

The Oumuamua Tile will be switchable with a button in an upcoming update.