Arma 3
60 ratings
CWR III - Chernarus
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28 Jan @ 5:02am
29 Jan @ 7:17am
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CWR III - Chernarus

As tensions rise behind the Iron Curtain, the spark of revolution burns in the Soviet republic of Chernarus.

Set in the late 1980s, this mod provides Chernarussian forces as part of the Soviet Army with their own bespoke TTsKO and Spetsodezhda uniform variants as well as ethnic Chernorussian separatists seeking to free their nation from the grip of the Soviet Union.

Born from a frustration that I couldn’t quite kitbash Chernarussian soldiers in a fashion that I really liked, I took it upon myself to pull this together. After getting bored of having no one to fight against, the separatists followed.

What’s Included
Two pre-built factions with appropriate groupings:
• Soviet Armed Forces - Chernarus
• Motor Rifles
• Border Guards
• Spetsnaz
• Chernarussian Separatists

All Chernarussian vehicles retain their original Soviet livery from CWR3, as at this point they are still very much part of the Soviet Union.

“This mod sucks.”
Yes, it’s a bit rough in places. It’s been a one-man project and there are inevitably some details that I have missed. However, I am always open to any extra help. If there’s anything here that you think you could do a better job on and would like to lean in to the project then just ping me a message via these means.

The CWR3 team for all of their assets
The CUP team for all of their assets
yaboiimonke on Reddit for the TTsKO template
Tounushi on Reddit for the KLMK template that got turned into Spetsodezhda
The Community as a whole for keeping the Arma 3 platform going
Mrs Oxide for continuing to put up with me while I’ve been building this

Oxide  [author] 15 Feb @ 10:18am 
Ack, I'll sort that when I'm back from my current work trip. In the interim period it shouldn't affect any of the assets in-game, it's a legacy dependency from when I compiled the mod while having the Western Sahara CDLC loaded and the mod doesn't use any of those assets.
ChanceGage 15 Feb @ 10:08am 
i gace a issue cherno requires ixWN wheeled APC
Cigarette 31 Jan @ 8:16pm 
I really do hope we get a recreation of the Arma 2 (And its DLC) campaigns in Arma 3, those were the real glory days, especially that ancient early 2000's OST's action games had.

Their was opperation arrowhead but the remake was abandoned sadly on the workshop
LeaTheVixy 31 Jan @ 5:00pm 
I hope you keep working on this, it looks great so far!
Oxide  [author] 30 Jan @ 10:53am 
Probably not yet no - still learning how to make things Zeus and online compatible. Stay tuned!
Poor Aim 30 Jan @ 10:37am 
is this work on multiplayer?
Oxide  [author] 29 Jan @ 11:41pm 
The NAPA role is filled by the Separatist faction under GREENFOR. It's actually just the NAPA faction from CUP with some gear changes. The faction flag is even the same!
blarcy 29 Jan @ 8:01pm 
Nice, any plans for NAPA in the future?
zahl 29 Jan @ 7:25am 
Thanks for looking into it! the texture error might stem from the missing mod icon in the editor/ arsenal but I'm not 100% sure
Oxide  [author] 29 Jan @ 7:23am 
Bizarre, the t80 scope issue only started showing up for me today. I've fixed that and the dependency issue, trying to track down the root cause of the missing texture files as it's not generating an alert at my end. I'll take a look over the weekend!