Arma 3
72 ratings
Operation Kingslayer [SP]
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer
Scenario Type: Infantry
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
Tags: Tag Review
File Size
4.551 MB
28 Jan @ 2:19pm
4 Feb @ 12:34am
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Operation Kingslayer [SP]

In 1 collection by zahl
Standalone Missions
25 items
Operation Arrowhead has been progressing smoothly and as planned. Major Takistani cities either fell to coalition troops or disavowed dictator Aziz and celebrated his downfall. His birthplace, Zargabad, a quaint town in the Takistani heartlands, is another story, though. Filled to the brim with his most loyal fighters and a fanatic population, he chose it as a safe haven while NATO troops are capturing his country piece by piece. But now, with British troops at the outskirts of town, a US Delta Force team has been dispatched to capture the ruthless dictator.

Your task is to neutralize Takistani defensive positions that either allow British troops to secure the city faster or allow your support teams to move to Aziz's villa quicker. After you have cleared out all enemy encampments, you are tasked with clearing the villa itself and capturing Aziz.

  • Difficulty: Easy/ Medium
  • Type Of Combat: MidRange
  • Voiced: yes (thanks to 11labs)
  • Playtime: 15-30 minutes
  • Factions: Delta Force vs Takistani Army

Important Notes, maybe
Zargabad being, well, a city-map might create some performance problems.
[9RT]V®M®F® 4 Feb @ 10:15am 
zahl  [author] 4 Feb @ 12:30am 

thanks for the detailed feedback! I'm using ToH Characters for screenshots so faces might be a bit different in screenshots vs ingame but that's purely cosmetical (at the end he's the only guy wearing a officer uniform anyways haha)

I'll add some binos asap tho
Avant-garde 3 Feb @ 5:28pm 
Challenging but good!
HeadUp 3 Feb @ 2:29pm 
Just finished, highly enjoyable! Immersive atmosphere, attainable but challenging tasks, thrilling set pieces - definitely recommended. My playthrough lasted a bit longer, maybe closer to 60 minutes with a couple reverts to keep my team alive. I alternated between stealth and hitting hard, taking the dried riverbed to the villa, they barely knew what hit 'em.

It looks like Aziz's face is different in game for vs. in some of the images like the debrief, and agreed with Komodo, some binos would be helpful for spotting and directing fire. Neither of these hindered my enjoyment, just suggestions for tweaks to look into.
Komodo 2 Feb @ 5:38pm 
fantastic, ty zahl


-I think the only item missing was binos to help recon out enemies
PaweU 2 Feb @ 9:19am 
Amazing scenario like always
realyungballs 1 Feb @ 10:01pm 
revoi bista 31 Jan @ 11:37pm 
Operation Kingslayer? That means, I'm the king!
rantony66 30 Jan @ 5:46pm 
GJ again.Cheers.
bboy 30 Jan @ 2:35am 
Very good mission! Thank you for this one!