Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

29 ratings
Lancer Map Maker
Type: Modding
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 3
Play Time: 180+ minutes
Language: English
Tags: Lancer
File Size
16.908 MB
28 Jan @ 7:24pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Lancer Map Maker

Across the Orion Arm great frames clash in a crush of steel and ideologies. Now, those worlds and spaces can be yours, terraformer.

This mod is a companion to the Lancer RPG Tabletop Mod, and is designed to help you create maps that pair well with it. I have been working on this for a while, and I am so excited to share.

~ A wide array of assets from all-over the workshop for creating terrestrial, void, and paracausal environments.

~ Tools such as environmental effects to bring your maps to life, guides to help you track the scale of objects as you build, and more

~ A growing array of example maps to tinker with or use in your own games.

~ An easy-to-follow guide and layout for designing maps and encounters for mech-scale combat.

For a guide on how to build a map using this tool, see below or the notepad on the table!

1. Choose a 2d or 3d Mat from the chests in the top center of the table. If you want, you can stretch it to match the guide lines so that it covers the whole width of the table in the tabletop half of this mod!

2. Decide on a roughly 30x30 hex part of the map to be the zone of action. This will be smaller than the table, and that is a good thing! If the arena is the size of the whole table your map will be too far apart!

3. Start adding 3d Objects! The object bags sorted in the center and along the left are terrain, buildings, and base structures, while the bags on the right are largely detailing. Make a copy of each bag before you dig in so you can make another copy to work with later if you need!

If you plan for models to walk on something, make sure Grid Projection works on it using the Toggles on the object's right-click menu! If you do, you can use TTS's built-in grid feature to play.

Remember to try placing a test model on surfaces from time to time to make sure that your collisions are ok!. You can use models from other mods as well, just find that mode under Games> Search and place the objects you like.

Remember that the uses of models aren't prescriptive, you can resize and place at odd angles with the Gizmo Tool in your toolbar along the left side of your UI. All kinds of things become possible if you dare to dream!

4. When you are ready, click on Save Table on the STAGE Token beside this notepad. Watch objects dispensary into a bag named "SET_" and rename it to "SET_[Your Maps's Name" but leave the first four characters intact!

Objects who's center is too low or too far to the edges of the table might not save.
It is sometimes worth checking the Save Table function and then undoing as you build to make sure that you can adjust before it becomes a problem!

5. Save the bag full of your models using the Save Object function on the right-click drop down on the bag, move it to the Lancer Table Mod, then place it on the "Drop Bags Here" STAGE tile on that table to load your table over there! If you want, you could even upload your maps as their own TTS mod to share them!

I plan to make a more succinct video tutorial soon, but for now you can check out the Vod where we give an overview of both mods and talk about building maps and encounters. There is some really good stuff in there, when we aren't lost talking about Jurassic Park.

Thank you so much for checking out this mod! I hope you have fun with your own projects, your own games, and helps inspire you to make new exciting work of your own. Help people fight back, if nowhere else then around the table with friends.

You can find my other work and my socials here!

🦋 Bluesky[]
▶️ Youtube Channel
🎲 My Page[]
⏺️ Vod Channel (find our campaign using this table there!)
Flora 20 Mar @ 9:08am 
this is actually the coolest shit ever thank you

wondering however how can i get the "current set is busy" message away because from what i can tell its either an error or im doing something wrong
Bombadil 26 Feb @ 3:02am 
Awesome map maker!
Rattleboneses  [author] 7 Feb @ 12:45am 
I hope your Starfinder game goes well, and I'm glad I could help!
BossyTony 1 Feb @ 4:48pm 
This everything i've been wanting for my Starfinder sessions for almost 5 years! Thanks for gathering all of these assets and effects. Just in time before I GM my 2nd ever campaign.