

83 ratings
Caravan Speed Upgrades
Mod, 1.5
File Size
999.212 KB
29 Jan @ 9:19am
29 Jan @ 3:27pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Caravan Speed Upgrades

Caravan speed upgrades for when 'just walk faster' isn't cutting it. Equip your pawns with hiking poles, all-terrain boots, and walkie-talkies to increase caravan movement speed.

Remember, you're only as fast as your slowest pawn—make sure to pack enough caravan gear for the whole crew.

How to Use
  • Unlock the hiking poles, all-terrain boots, and walkie-talkies by completing the caravan speed upgrades research project.
  • Craft all items at a fueled smithy or electric smithy.
    • Hiking poles are the least expensive.
    • Walkie-talkies are the most expensive.
  • Caravan upgrade gear is only usable during caravans (i.e., it cannot be equipped on your home map tile and is strictly for caravan travel).
  • Important: To gain a speed boost, every member of the caravan must have their own gear for that specific caravan movement speed upgrade. If even one pawn is missing an item required for a specific speed boost, the entire caravan forfeits that boost.

If you pack 4 hiking poles for a 4-pawn caravan, your caravan will receive an 11% speed boost.
However, if you pack only 3 hiking poles and 1 walkie-talkie, no speed boost will be applied from either item.

How Speed Boosts Work

Single Item Speed Boosts:
  • Hiking Poles: 10% less time → 11% faster
  • All-Terrain Boots: 20% less time → 25% faster
  • Walkie-Talkies: 30% less time → 43% faster

Stacking Multiple Items:
Instead of adding boosts together, each one compounds on the last.
  • Hiking Poles + Boots → 39% faster
  • Hiking Poles + Walkie-Talkies → 59% faster
  • Boots + Walkie-Talkies → 78% faster
  • All Three (Max Boost) → 98% faster

Each item reduces travel time, but the speed boost is bigger than the % reduction suggests because the effects stack multiplicatively (not additively). Each item shrinks travel time, so the next boost works on a smaller base. That’s why a 10% time cut = 11% speed boost, and stacking items leads to speed gains.

Compatibility: RimWorld 1.5+.
Mod Conflicts: None known.
Disclaimer: This mod is fan-made and not affiliated with Ludeon Studios.

Thank you for supporting Caravan Speed Upgrades and for feature suggestions and balance tweaks.
余乐 3 hours ago 
I want the movement speed of the powns to affect this value as well
Marshmallow 20 Mar @ 10:01pm 
Any chance you could distribute the upgrades across the 'tech' tree? Hiking Poles (Walking Stick) in Neolithic, Boots in Medieval, and Walkie-Talkie in Industrial?
Captain_Tess 27 Feb @ 5:01am 
I don't understand why the hiking poles and boots are industrial, added this mod for my medieval run and was confused when I could not make anything. Other than that great mod.
AAA 16 Feb @ 1:16am 
Dwang is correct. Great mod tho
Dwang Zhongson 13 Feb @ 6:20am 
Having walkie-talkies and boots be crafted in a smithy is quite strange. IMO boots should be crafted on tailor benches and walkie-talkies on machining table, to make sense and retain consistency with other mods, e.g. Vanilla Apparel Expanded. I also think that the provided boost should depend on terrain type, providing diminishing returns the better the terrain is.

In any other regard a very solid mod fitting vanilla seamlessly, good job.
✯ Mangou 4 Feb @ 8:36pm 
pues te quedo genial amigo, mucha suerte, si haces mas mods los probare con todo el gusto del mundo, suerteee
SilkCircuit  [author] 4 Feb @ 7:07pm 
@Persia: That’s a solid take—tying Walkie Talkies to a working Comms Console makes a lot of thematic and functional sense. Definitely something to consider for a future update. Appreciate the input.

@Mangou: Glad you're finding the mod useful without it feeling intrusive—that’s exactly the balance I was aiming for.
✯ Mangou 4 Feb @ 4:01pm 
este es de los mods mas utiles y poco invasivos, puro Q&L
Persia 4 Feb @ 10:30am 
I think thematically Walkie Talkis should need a working Comms Console at Home to work
SilkCircuit  [author] 2 Feb @ 6:55pm 
@Rusty Engi – It is no issue to add this mod to an already started save. However, like any mod, removing it mid-playthrough could potentially cause unintended issues or consequences.