Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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MARCHER Empires At War: (HRE) 38M Franz Joseph Battle Tank
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250.606 KB
29 Jan @ 5:46pm
30 Jan @ 5:44am
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MARCHER Empires At War: (HRE) 38M Franz Joseph Battle Tank

In 1 collection by UristMcDerp
Marcher: Empires At War (for TTS)
15 items
(proxies for Imperial Guard, Imperium etc, Leman Russ Proxy, Panzer 4 (Panzer IV) Proxy)

Tabletop army units for the Marcher Battle Game, includes:
*38M Franz Joseph Battle Tank Parts + Assembly instructions
*Includes Sponsons, Trench rails, dozer blades and all weapon variants.

This is one in many upcoming projects to bring Marcher to life on TTS, the game system can be found on Golden Dragon Games website, models can be found on 3D stores.

I set this one up in a assemble your own format due to the sheer amount of options, will do this going forward for most tanks, will go back to set this up for the Barborossa tank as well.

As i play this game with friends and make the variants anyway, i will keep the project saved and slowly build up the assembled variants in the project for future updates.

Editing, post processing of the models to get them to work on TTS all done by myself (UristMcDerp), please credit if you decide to take the models and use them in your own workshop items. 3D models from Golden Dragons Games for their tabletop game Marcher: Empires at war (Check them out, the game is good!)

more upcoming models, working on the HRE first and the the Japanese Empire.