Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Quartermaster General WW2 - with Total War Expansion
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Language: English
File Size
534.452 KB
30 Jan @ 12:40am
30 Jan @ 1:33am
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Quartermaster General WW2 - with Total War Expansion

"Quartermaster General: WW2" is a card driven game that puts players in command of the major powers of the Second World War. In the game, supply is crucial to keep your armies and navies fighting; destroy your enemies' supply lines and their forces will surrender!

You control one or more countries on either the Axis or Allied team and must try to score as many victory points for your team as you can through the use of cards or by occupying the starred supply spaces. Sharing information with your team mates on what cards are in your hands is not allowed so you will need to try and adapt to the changing board state to offer support to your team mates - or to hope that they can come to support you!

Each major power has a unique set of cards with which to marshal its forces of army, navy and air force pieces on a map.

After 20 rounds the team with the most victory points wins the game. Alternatively, if at the end of a round one team is leading by 30 points or more then the game will end with that team being declared the winner.

This edition includes the Total War and Prelude expansions which gives players new options for setting up the start of the game and adds in the French and Chinese as additional units for the Allied side. Bolster cards let you do more things on your turn, while Air Forces can be deployed to let your armies and navies hold on for another turn, and "What If" cards represent historical strategies that were considered but never executed such as Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of Britain. The Prelude Expansion is not essential for playing the game and is recommended for inclusion only once players are already familiar with the game and want to try something new.

This mod uses simple components that are easy to read and handle and are colourblind friendly with labels for the tokens as well as country specific images for tanks, ships and planes. A custom background map showing some key events of the Second World War is also added to increase the immersion. Custom player aids also help to show players the card type and unit count distribution for each power and have a recommended strategy approach for each power in the game. All rule books are included.

Anchor points are also included for round markers, cards, tokens in the players play area and other spots just to help keep things tidy.

Please note that this version uses the map from the First Edition of the game due to there being a higher resolution image of that map over one for the Second Edition. The only changes are to the spelling of some countries which are misspelled on the First Edition board but otherwise the layout and country borders are the same.