Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

171 ratings
[B42] Make Dried Fruit
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30 Jan @ 6:32am
24 Feb @ 8:16am
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[B42] Make Dried Fruit

Hello everyone,

Dried your fruit on the Small plant drying rack and preserve them forever.

Or dried it in the oven :

Take two Fruits to make a plate of dried fruits.
You handle the knife like no one and will get double dried fruits once cooked ( about 4 to 5 hours).

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All dried vegetables :

Workshop ID: 3417502641
Mod ID: Makedriedfruit
Popular Discussions View All (1)
24 Feb @ 8:16am
PINNED: Translation RU
Bender  [author] 14 Mar @ 12:36pm 
I've taken your comments, feedback, and translations into account. I'll make a major update when the pz updates have stabilized.
And thank you for using my mods; I'm preparing more for better survival :).

In the meantime, make eggs in jars:
Thanks, Inganagones, for the idea.
Michels 5 Mar @ 8:57pm 
Leex 16 Feb @ 3:31am 
sorry, but am i to understand that we can no longer use the dried lime/lemon as a spice? i thought that was a good thing... other fruits seems fine but some could be used as a dried spice.
Bender  [author] 15 Feb @ 1:25pm 
Indeed. If you really use the knife like an orangutan, be careful with your fingers. Don't despair, we all become chefs one day. (omg, I'll correct that right away ^^)
Harkness 15 Feb @ 12:51pm 
If I handle the knife like an orangutan will I get less seeds? Thank you so much
Bender  [author] 15 Feb @ 11:45am 
It's fixed, sorry for this :cherrypie::spiffo:
SirAlfred3rd 14 Feb @ 1:05pm 
True, they work like spices :)
Bender  [author] 14 Feb @ 12:24pm 
ok I understand, they work like spices and not like main foods. you must have added too much spice and you can't include it in it. Can you confirm this for me? I can fix this quickly. Sorry bro.
Bender  [author] 14 Feb @ 12:11pm 
Bro, I added an image showing you that it is possible. a mod must come into conflict with you.
SirAlfred3rd 14 Feb @ 11:36am 
I just tried to add dried broccoli to a stir-fry and couldn't do it. It doesn't turn up...