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Hocotate System (Reesecandy2003)
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Hocotate System (Reesecandy2003)

The Hocotate System, based on Reesecandy2003's art with some of my own interpretations. Some of the names have been changed to sound more regular.

Hocotate Prime
The host star of the Hocotate system. It's a G-type main sequence star or yellow dwarf. Its system contains 10 planets in total.

Fergie /FER-jee/, Hocotate b
The closest planet to Hocotate Prime. Unlike our Mercury and Venus, it is hotter than Leibes, the second closest planet. Its atmosphere is incredibly thin.

Leibes /LEE-biss/ Hocotate c
A rocky planet with a similar texture to our Moon. It also has an atmosphere with a thickness around half of ours.

Nerra /NAIR-ruh/, Hocotate d
A water world with a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere. The pressures on its surface are high enough to keep water in a liquid state.

Hocotate /HOE-coe-TAH-tay/, Hocotate e
A habitable desert planet with two continents and various islands. There are intelligent lifeforms on this planet known as Hocotatians, after their home planet. The planet is also known for its distorted rings.

Hocotate Minor, Hocotate e 1
The smaller moon of Hocotate. While its mass is negligible, it is enough to cause the peculiar shape of Hocotate's rings.

Hocotate Major, Hocotate e 2
The larger moon of Hocotate; a water world. It's slowly heating over time due to tidal forces between it and its host planet.

Jook /JUHK/, Hocotate f
A terrestrial planet with a thick atmosphere, mostly made up of water and methane, that gives it its saturated blue color.

Darra /DAHR-ruh/, Hocotate g
A gas giant colored in various shades of orange. It is the closest gas giant to Hocotate Prime and the most massive one.

Goltan /GOAL-tan/, Hocotate h
A greenish gas giant; the second most massive.

Forrester /FOR-riss-ter/, Hocotate i
A hot pink gas giant with a thick inner ring, a thin outer ring and one moon.

Dorf /DORF/, Hocotate i 1
The moon of Forrester, a small yellowish moon.

Mustang /muss-TANG/, Hocotate j
A bluish gas giant and the lightest one.

Ossilin /OSS-ull-in/, Hocotate k
A small rocky planet and the farthest planet in the Hocotate system. While it was initially believed to be a dwarf planet, it was reclassified as a major planet due to having a mostly clear orbit. It has 4 small moons.

Ossiluno, Hocotate k 1
Carive, Hocotate k 2
Sinchen, Hocotate k 3
Ratas, Hocotate k 4
The moons of Ossilin. Due to having similar masses, sizes and appearances, they are believed to be fragments of a larger object that was torn apart by Ossilin's gravity.