Garry's Mod
55,516 คะแนน
Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
370.594 MB
30 พ.ย. 2014 @ 3: 43am
21 ม.ค. 2023 @ 4: 08am
111 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
อยู่ใน 3 ชุดสะสม โดย sрy
Shit for my server
18 รายการ
Ground Control pack
18 รายการ
Cum Town RP Content
18 รายการ
Check out 'Intravenous', a stealth/action game that I'm working on!

Click here to open the base documentation.[]

- Dynamic recoil and accuracy
- Custom viewmodel movement
- Surface ricochet and penetration
- Firemodes
- Weapon holstering on weapon change
- Optional free-aim
- Inability to fire weapon when in water/climbing a ladder
- Designed for both singleplayer and multiplayer
- High weapon customization value
- Ability to adjust position of sights
- Weapon chambering
- Optional blur effects when reloading/aiming/customizing
- Ability to turn on simple telescopics and toggle the crosshair
- Attachment preset system
- Quick grenades
- Very flexible, easy to use and modular plug-in system for developers
- Heavy weapons slightly slow you down
- Custom optional HUD elements for displaying health and ammo (Spawn Menu > Utilities > CW 2.0 > Client)

- Kobra, EoTech 553, Aimpoint, Micro T1, Trijicon ACOG, Trijicon RMR, Schmidt&Bender Shortdot, PSO-1, SG1 scope for G3, Nightforce NXS
- PBS-1, SAKER, Tundra 9MM, Cobra M2
- AN/PEQ-15, Insight X2 LAM
- Varying length barrels for weapons
- Various handguards and stocks for weapons
- Varying capacity magazines
- M203 (underslung 40MM barrel)
- Foregrip
- Various attachments unique for specific weapons

Ammo types:
- Slug rounds and flechette rounds for shotguns
- Magnum and match grade rounds for other weapons

Weapons in this pack:
AK-74 * 3
AR-15 * 2
MR-96 * 3
HK MP5 * 3
Desert Eagle * 3
AI L115

All weapons marked with a '*' indicate amount of total barrel variants.
Weapons not marked indicate one barrel variant.

PRIMARY ATTACK KEY - fire weapon
CONTEXT MENU KEY (C by default) - open customization menu, alternatively bind a key to cw_customize
DOUBLE TAP USE KEY WHILE AIMING - switch to back-up sights, if there are any
USE KEY (default is E) + RELOAD KEY - switch firemode
USE KEY (default is E) + PRIMARY ATTACK KEY - quick grenade (if possible)
USE KEY (default is E) + SECONDARY ATTACK KEY - toggle M203 mode (if possible)
(IN M203 MODE) - aim down sights and press PRIMARY ATTACK KEY to fire M203
(IN M203 MODE) - press your RELOAD KEY to reload the M203

Useful console commands:
cw_disable_all_attachments_on_spawn - don't give any attachments on spawn, admin-only
cw_enable_all_attachments_on_spawn - give all attachments on spawn, admin-only
cw_dropweapon - drops the currently equipped CW 2.0 weapon


Q: My game crashes with this or the FA:S 2.0 SWEPs.
A: Uninstall various addons until the crash stops, Portal Gun is known to cause a lot of conflicts and crashes with other addons.

Q: Where can I get ammo and attachments?
A: Open your spawn menu, navigate to Entities, then click on either 'CW 2.0 Ammo' or 'CW 2.0 Attachments' and spawn whichever ammo source/attachment you want

Q: I can't attach some attachments, why is that?
A: Some weapons require special handguards in order to have a slot to place the attachment on.

Q: Why are the attachment icons red?
A: A red icon background indicates that you don't have the attachment.

Q: I want THIS weapon!
A: Cool. Go make it.

Q: Add more attachments!
A: No. Do it yourself.

Q: I can't reload!
A: you either have no ammo or you binge-subscribed to CW 2.0 addons like a ♥♥♥­­king ♥♥♥♥♥♥ without reading what they do and now can't reload, disable the CW 2.0 mag system

Q: I can't attach ANYTHING!
A: Bind 1 to slot1, 2 to slot2, 3 to slot3, etc. etc. and make sure you have attachments you're trying to attach.

Q: Where can I find the preset files?
A: For Windows users: go to garrysmod/data/cw2_0/presets. There you will find multiple folders in case you made presets. They're sorted by weapon class names.

Q: Why do the world models have no attachments on them?
A: The focus is on first person features, rather than third person.

Q: Why the huge filesize for a few weapons?
A: The base pack contains all attachment models/textures/icons/etc. Some weapons also have a lot of various options for barrels, stocks and other stuff, which adds to the filesize.

Q: How do I enable free-aim?
A: Go to: Spawn Menu -> Utilities > CW 2.0 -> Client and tick "FREE AIM: active?" there. You can also modify various behavior related to free aim there.

Q: Where can I turn on the HUD that's seen in the release video and on the screenshots?
A: Open your spawn menu, navigate to Utilities, there you'll see a "CW 2.0" category, click on 'Client', and there you'll see several HUD related checkboxes.

Q: Can you make a SWEP pack that'd use default CS:S models?
A: No, they look like ♥♥♥♥, have bad animations and are generally a pain to work with.

tigg - various attachment models
tayley - hacking together various models, compiling various attachments and weapon models
Matsilagi - compiling AN/PEQ-15
wystan - several attachment models
FA:S 2.0 team - particle effects when firing, sounds, some reticle textures
Kari-Jukka, >:3, CGNick, marrub, Pyromancer - extensive testing
Insurgency team - inhale/exhale sounds

I can't list the actual weapon model creators since it would take up all available space on this Workshop page. However, in case you are the author of one of the models animations/models/textures, rest assured that I take no credits for your work.

Bug reports without providing:
1. the weapon that was used (official or community made)
2. list of addons, especially weapon packs
3. steps to reproduce
4. Lua errors (if any)

will be ignored.

Errors that occur with community made weapons are not my concern. Take it up with the community, not me.
กระดานสนทนายอดนิยม ดูทั้งหมด (890)
6 ม.ค. @ 4: 26am
Bugs report here.
18 พ.ย. 2024 @ 10: 51am
King of the Klondike
4 มี.ค. @ 1: 48pm
ถูกปักหมุด: Experiencing a Lua error that the CW 2.0 SWEPs cause? Post here.
8,809 ความเห็น
metronidazoles 21 มี.ค. @ 9: 32pm 
there is a lua error that can turn your AK-47 into a machine gun just by saving it. can you fix it so that no one can abuse the bug?
AlexGuy 21 มี.ค. @ 4: 15am 
Funneling other people to bases like TFA, ARC9, ArcCW or MWB just isn't great you know?
Rambo 17 มี.ค. @ 6: 39am 
What is the key to put the gun holder to something it keeps saying use key
Ale "Xan" Xanniest 10 มี.ค. @ 5: 51pm 
Is there any way to enable firing while running/sprinting?
That1Guy_Bruce 10 มี.ค. @ 1: 12am 
is there a way to make the guns not change my player models hands?
Fullmaster 4 มี.ค. @ 12: 40pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life
Khris 28 ก.พ. @ 5: 54pm 
"cw is dead is the wator"
2 million subscribers, still working after 10 years.. huh
WesleyPlaysGames 27 ก.พ. @ 3: 38pm 
This base is dead, it's not being updated anymore.
If you want a different weapon base, i'd prefer TFA, ARC9, ArcCW or MWB.

CW 2.0 is dead in the water.
[NSG] ]/id/kinppy 26 ก.พ. @ 2: 50pm 
I keep getting

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150: bad argument #2 to 'ManipulateBonePosition' (number expected, got nil)
1. ManipulateBonePosition - [C]:-1
2. offsetBoltBone - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150
3. simulateRecoil - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1406
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1582 (x2)

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:82: attempt to index a nil value
1. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:82
2. FireBullets - [C]:-1
3. FireBullet - lua/weapons/cw_base/sh_bullets.lua:83
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1578

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150: bad argument #2 to 'ManipulateBonePosition' (number expected, got nil)
1. ManipulateBonePosition - [C]:-1
2. offsetBoltBone - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150
3. simulateRecoil - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1406
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1582 (x3)
GlitchSans240 25 ก.พ. @ 12: 27pm 
@nb Get close to them, put your crosshair on them, then press the key bound to "Use". (The key you press to use stuff is E by default.)