Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
metronidazoles 21 Mar @ 9:32pm 
there is a lua error that can turn your AK-47 into a machine gun just by saving it. can you fix it so that no one can abuse the bug?
AlexGuy 21 Mar @ 4:15am 
Funneling other people to bases like TFA, ARC9, ArcCW or MWB just isn't great you know?
Rambo 17 Mar @ 6:39am 
What is the key to put the gun holder to something it keeps saying use key
Ale "Xan" Xanniest 10 Mar @ 5:51pm 
Is there any way to enable firing while running/sprinting?
That1Guy_Bruce 10 Mar @ 1:12am 
is there a way to make the guns not change my player models hands?
Fullmaster 4 Mar @ 12:40pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life
Khris 28 Feb @ 5:54pm 
"cw is dead is the wator"
2 million subscribers, still working after 10 years.. huh
WesleyPlaysGames 27 Feb @ 3:38pm 
This base is dead, it's not being updated anymore.
If you want a different weapon base, i'd prefer TFA, ARC9, ArcCW or MWB.

CW 2.0 is dead in the water.
[NSG] ]/id/kinppy 26 Feb @ 2:50pm 
I keep getting

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150: bad argument #2 to 'ManipulateBonePosition' (number expected, got nil)
1. ManipulateBonePosition - [C]:-1
2. offsetBoltBone - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150
3. simulateRecoil - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1406
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1582 (x2)

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:82: attempt to index a nil value
1. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:82
2. FireBullets - [C]:-1
3. FireBullet - lua/weapons/cw_base/sh_bullets.lua:83
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1578

[Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150: bad argument #2 to 'ManipulateBonePosition' (number expected, got nil)
1. ManipulateBonePosition - [C]:-1
2. offsetBoltBone - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_model.lua:150
3. simulateRecoil - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1406
4. unknown - lua/weapons/cw_base/shared.lua:1582 (x3)
GlitchSans240 25 Feb @ 12:27pm 
@nb Get close to them, put your crosshair on them, then press the key bound to "Use". (The key you press to use stuff is E by default.)
GlitchSans240 25 Feb @ 12:23pm 
@spy Can you please add a command to disable the restriction that doesn't let players shoot while swimming or climbing ladders, like in older versions of this mod? I'd do it myself, but the most Lua I can code is an Isaac character mod via editing a custom character template.
Rivalyaya 17 Feb @ 10:01pm 
giving this error [Chuck's Weaponry 2.0] RunConsoleCommand: Command is blocked! (fov_desired)
1. func - lua/weapons/cw_base/cl_calcview.lua:69
2. unknown - gamemodes/base/gamemode/cl_init.lua:391
Air 9 Feb @ 5:52pm 
Artie Dolittle 29 Jan @ 7:09pm 
why are the guns in my characters crotch
AlwaysLucky04 27 Jan @ 9:32pm 
Can u add c_hands plz
Chadaturk 27 Jan @ 11:49am 
is there logos to the guns, ı dont know which one is assault rifle or shotgun or sniper, ı cannot see the guns in the spawn menu,
holberry20 26 Jan @ 1:04pm 
could you find out why theres an error with this pack
nb 25 Jan @ 7:35am 
how to pick uo bullets
Za_vcya 20 Jan @ 8:24am 
Вау, это же система кастомизации из Intravenous 2. Не могу поверить
OZOR 19 Jan @ 4:53pm 
Add it on the client CW20_NEWATTACHMENT :cozybethesda:
GenericName 11 Jan @ 9:31pm 
chuck's sneed and feed
amhir 10 Jan @ 11:54pm 
10/10 only thing that annoys me is that the save weapon inventory addon dosent save the magazines so after i die i have to fucking spawn the magazines again
KartoffelMeister 7 Jan @ 1:33pm 
just plopping this down here, i was gonna throw this down in cw1 but i didn't find it but both cw1 and this addon are legendary, idk if y'all will ever see this but not only have you provided me and my friend group hours of endless fun that we still reminisce about to this day, but cw has had a lasting effect on gmod weapon mods and shaped their evolution for the foreseeable future, thanks for the fun times and i hope you guys are doing alright for yourselves, y'all are absolute legends for real.
engine 31 Dec, 2024 @ 9:06pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now, I'll have you know that I'm making all of this up and I just wasted your time. Have a good new years!
Ethan 26 Dec, 2024 @ 9:38am 
блять да сделай ты уже CW 3.0 умоляю брат, я тебе пенис пожму за такое
Pervy Pastry Puffer 25 Dec, 2024 @ 9:07pm 
*pulls out gun* Always has been @johndiezhamil .
Redster Can 25 Dec, 2024 @ 6:58pm 
has it always been called chuck?
Sir_raygunman2345 29 Nov, 2024 @ 9:52pm 
i get the ammo using the ammo boxes but it doesnt appear on the hud, its the correct ammo type btw
Macro_Banner 28 Nov, 2024 @ 9:10pm 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life :steamsad:
Lobster 28 Nov, 2024 @ 2:48am 
can u add c hands?
Toppet 25 Nov, 2024 @ 2:27am 
is there a way to customize the L115??
a straight white male 24 Nov, 2024 @ 11:17pm 
Attention! Broken viewmodels are a result of Rubat's merge of a community fix.

No way to fix the "fix" rn
Roman Souls 3 24 Nov, 2024 @ 3:26pm 
Oh damn didn't realize you were the one behind Intravenous
Lamentable Pistachio 23 Nov, 2024 @ 10:57am 
how to get rid of the cs:s hand model
jerry 2 Nov, 2024 @ 1:47am 
g u n
debunk 31 Oct, 2024 @ 11:58pm 
just wanted to say congrats on you game poppin off and continue the good work
DaGamerCat777 31 Oct, 2024 @ 11:25pm 
Now that's some cool sht! Very fkin realistic and advanced
E L I A S 31 Oct, 2024 @ 12:07pm 
pls fix this if i have the gun and i will reload nothing will happen and i have ammo!!!
cacodoom 31 Oct, 2024 @ 3:46am 
Sneed's Weaponry
liv 19 Oct, 2024 @ 12:50pm 
hey, i own intravenous! kind of funny seeing it mentioned here, but it's been really enjoyable :)
Paulus 18 Oct, 2024 @ 3:51am 
I have the issue that if an player is not possessing an attachment the icon is still gray and doesn’t change to red.
GetNormalized 8 Oct, 2024 @ 9:00am 
errors for certain weapons with modern cw2: firearms when trying to customise. any help?
13ρσѕѕυмѕ 6 Oct, 2024 @ 8:24pm 
Is there/Could you add a Setting that Keeps the attachments that have been set for a gun even when you die?
Ion 2 Oct, 2024 @ 6:45pm 
the mod is currently broken:steamsad:
pokumeka 27 Sep, 2024 @ 6:29am 
people were using this when dinosaurs existed
~ Lara "Chara" ~ 17 Sep, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
i like this mod :steamhappy:
CapitalofNorway 4 Sep, 2024 @ 5:35pm 
since when has this been chucks weaponry
JakeSmithereens 4 Sep, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
why does this shit play the BK have it your way song whenever I spawn something in
Jame Key Lie 24 Aug, 2024 @ 2:49am 
when will guns save?
MeoSweo 16 Aug, 2024 @ 2:01am 
mother of breach guns:btd6salute: