Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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The Ebon Hawk
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2 Jan, 2015 @ 11:18pm
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The Ebon Hawk

I decided to go ahead and rebuild my one of my early submissions.

The Ebon Hawk is back and better than ever! As seen in StarWars: Knights of the Old Republix I&II.

A proper floor layout that includes all the rooms from the actual ship. when you walk in (if you played kotor) you will automatically see the similarites. Only difference is that I have placed some indoor turrets so that you can protect yourself from boarding parties.

This ship is survival compatible. The engines are powered by two Large Reactors that are connected to two Small cargo containers in the engine room via Conveyor tubes. The cargo hold has a few cargo containers plus a refinery to continue to refine ores while in transit.

The garage features an open area capable of fitting a small* vehicle. It also features a Assembler that can be used to make some items for quick repairs. There are crew quarters on the left and right side. The top gun is a missile turret (just easier to make an automatically firing turret rather then make my own like i did last time) and the side guns are missile launchers mounted on rotors so that they can pivot up and down for easier targetting.

She has a decent acceleration speed and has good manuverability. Beware if you wanna keep your inertia take Wide turns and WIDE loops. She stops faster if you face the bottom of the ship towards the direction you are going in. Just like the other ships in star wars it will loo just as cool. Careful at highspeeds though, the left and right rotors can pop off. when the Ramp rotor is locked into position it won't get knocked off.

Theres many other pilot seats placed throught the ship just incase the cockpit gets blown away (I plan ahead). The ramp leading into the ship can be controlled easily from the console in the cocpit. the first button is to move the ramp up and down the second button is to lock it in place when up. the third button is to play the Alarm for whatever reason you need to alert your unkowing crew to a potential hazard and the second button is to stop the alarm if it hasnt stopped already.

I hope you guys enjoy this rebuild :D
Solaris  [author] 12 Jan, 2015 @ 3:07pm 
lol its ok you didnt hurt me hhaha I am gonna try to figure out how to add more thrusters all around without breaking its design
Yismer 12 Jan, 2015 @ 1:10pm 
But i dont mean to hurt u bro but it just handals so weird it is nt ur fault i love the inside it just as in kotor broLove to alll
Yismer 12 Jan, 2015 @ 1:09pm 
but than u need more thrusters in the front to slow it down
CaedesEnder 11 Jan, 2015 @ 1:32pm 
Just do what I did and add on industrial thrusters, gets to 104 in about 10 seconds with two of those and a few large boosters
Solaris  [author] 11 Jan, 2015 @ 12:25pm 
I only build in vanilla. Sorry I just don't like the mods I feel like it takes away from my game. In the past I have had many problems with Mods in my games. To me, the ship handles fine. I could go back and figure out ways to add more thrusters in some directions to increase the handling. Make sure that when you are turning you are banking in the turn because the bottom thrusters will help keep your forward momentum
Yismer 11 Jan, 2015 @ 11:35am 
I love kotor it is my life, but the only problem with this is that it is a large ship and large ships are very slow it needs to be build as a small ship so it acn be as fast as it was in game there is a mod thats allow blocks for the large ship to be on small ships i dont know the name of the mod
but it is very good bulid it just handals so fucking slow
Solaris  [author] 7 Jan, 2015 @ 7:01pm 
nice work man :D
CaedesEnder 7 Jan, 2015 @ 3:18pm 
Here is the finished product if you wanna take a look
Thanks for the base model, now its converted into a survival ship for me to explore in :D
Solaris  [author] 7 Jan, 2015 @ 9:36am 
sure i dont mind
CaedesEnder 7 Jan, 2015 @ 9:25am 
Any objection to me posting a rework of this ive done, 90% of it is still your work I just tweaked some internal components, weapon and functions.
Will give you full credit ofc